Home Thinking Aloud Technological Infrastructure Revolution – Modern Metropolises Require Modern Infrastructure

Technological Infrastructure Revolution – Modern Metropolises Require Modern Infrastructure



As society develops economically, there are levels of technological development that naturally permeate progress. For example, media allows greater numbers of individuals to become aware and actuated, now working to effect a common goal in greater numbers than would be expected otherwise. Generally, the more successful the economy, the greater the technological development; and the more “single-minded” a people become.

As this happens, infrastructure technology will naturally follow the social curve of the presiding economic authority.

Examples In History

Greco-Roman times saw the most “free” and “technologically advanced” society that existed before the Neoclassical period came about several hundred years ago and instigated a resurgence of the wisdom known by these people in the center of mankind’s history. And do you know what was one of the most integral portions of Greco-Roman society? Architectural infrastructure that led to things like indoor plumbing, and clean water. Aqueducts and various architectural feats of the kind are famously represented throughout Europe, and attributable to the progress which came from the Greeks and the Romans. And the same phenomenon applies today. Where there is clean water, wastewater removal, and hygiene, there is the highest level of life. As that life increases, as people build families and popular communities become larger, houses and business districts must expand outward. With them must come the city’s infrastructure.

There is a very solid argument to be made for the speed of infrastructure implantation and dependability having a direct correlation to profitable economic expansion. Consider, for evidence, Flint, Michigan. In Flint, the water went bad, and now everybody’s leaving. Now consider Denver, Colorado. Denver is known as one of the cleanest large cities in the United States, and people are flocking there right now.



If infrastructure is so integral to social and economic development, the technological means of improving, streamlining, and bettering the means in which infrastructure is installed become central to speedily advancing society. The Baby Boomers are being supplanted by the Millennial generation, and things like the infrastructure and economy relationship outlined earlier are becoming their chief concern.

Organizations like IconJDS.com are working to revolutionize infrastructure building techniques which involve things like micro-tunneling. Many today have seen the huge augers which eat a hole a hundred feet in diameter. Micro-tunneling uses the same kind of technology to drill out things like drainage ditches and wastewater paths. They are also used for a variety of other plumbing necessities.

The Millennial Edge.

Millennial use of such micro-tunneling technology has taken an interesting twist. Now it is remotely controlled by an operator who isn’t inside the machine itself. This makes it possible to more quickly finish infrastructure projects, and more safely. A tunnel collapse will only damage a machine, should there be no operator inside to be injured.


As the future beckons, the new generation is rising to meet it, and innovating on the successes of their fathers. Solid infrastructure’s integral to the healthy functioning of any society. As mankind “progresses”, it makes sense that such foundational necessities, such base-line infrastructural requirements, should be considered and developed. The more strong a nation’s foundation, the more securely and successfully they can continue to develop. A business that has funding from patrons who believe in it and understand it is a business that’s more likely to succeed.

In the business of micro-tunneling, trench-shoring, and other related infrastructure development, keeping abreast of the latest technological trends provides stability of a kind not conjectural or esoteric, but directly related to a structure’s strength. Such modern architectural technique also adds economic value to the building/subdivision/city block in question.