Home Advice For The Young At Heart Power Up For Yourself And Everyone Wins

Power Up For Yourself And Everyone Wins


by Roshini Rajkumar, founder of Roshini Performance Group and author of “Communicate That!

It’s almost the end of 2011. What have you accomplished this year that could make your 2012 bigger, brighter, more empowered? The entire picture begins with you and grows with your ability to communicate with intention and clarity. Six areas for you to check:

1. Look back to move forward.

– Assess strengths and accomplishments during the past year

– Identify the WINS you brought to the company, team, brand

– Itemize these WINS in a list

WHY?: Knowing your accomplishments helps you showcase your accomplishments.

2. Showcase Your WINs.

– Use clear and active language when communicating with your target markets

– Decide if supporting documentation is needed; for example, an exhibit, product, graph

WHY?: You have the most insight about your own WINs.

3. Ask with Intention.

– If it’s $10,000 more a year, say so

– If it’s a different way to market your brand, spell it out to your final list of designers

– Do your homework on all possibilities

WHY?: Intentional communication is the most powerful kind and brings the best results.

4. Understand Your Big Asks and Alternatives.

-More money may be your goal or maybe socially-responsible causes are more important

-Creative compensation such as an improved title may make up for a pay raise

-Starting a program that asks employees to give back while at the same time builds morale can be a great incentive for team building

WHY?: Seeing more than one side of the coin is a valuable tool for business negotiations and for gaining/building the respect of others.

5. Show Gratitude.

– Whether in your personal or professional life, let gratitude guide you

WHY?: Showing gratitude pumps up all involved and naturally opens the door to more WINs for you and those around you.

6. Celebrate!

– Celebrate and commemorate key accomplishments

– The act of celebrating releases endorphins that promote good health

WHY?: Your mental and physical well-being use positive energy for inspiration.


Roshini Rajkumar, communication and image expert, licensed attorney, and author of “Communicate That!” is also founder of Roshini Performance Group. A top communication coach and speaker, Roshini has become the go-to person for business executives, authors, athletes and politicos who want to make an impression — clients include the Minnesota Vikings, Wells Fargo, Great Clips, Boston Scientific, and Community Reinvestment Fund. To learn more about Roshini, visit http://www.Communicatethatbook.com.