Saturday Startup Spotlight: Goodieboxx

At Capital Factory, we value people and the connections that bring them together. In an effort to introduce our community to the entrepreneurs we’re lucky to work with, and encourage relationships to develop along the way, we’re launching our Saturday Startup Spotlight series.

Capital Factory
Published in
3 min readAug 9, 2019


For our inaugural interview we caught up with a new member of our Accelerator program— Maxie Taylor, CEO & Founder of Goodieboxx. As he “basked in the sun” at Capital Factory’s Dallas space, we got to chatting about his company and his experiences as a founder.

Can you introduce yourself and give us your elevator pitch?

I’m Maxie Taylor, I’m the founder and CEO of Goodieboxx. We build a robotic convenience pantry that places your everyday essentials and frequent out-of-stocks closest to your front door. I relocated to Dallas from Southern California in 2010 and created this concept in 2015. It’s been keeping me on my toes, pedal to the metal since inception.

We love that phrase, “pedal to the metal”. What are the current goals, short term and long term, that you’re working towards at Goodieboxx?

The immediate goal is for us to raise a sizable Seed round. This would enable us to take our best practices from our local DFW pilot and grow the Goodieboxx concept nationally and, eventually, international.

As a startup founder, what problems are you struggling with as you navigate the entrepreneurial world?

For us specifically, it’s trying to find how we’re categorized within technology. To be really frank, the most “sexy” opportunity is the SaaS platform. We’re a hybrid of hardware as well as a retail and tech component. That gives us a unique categorization so, getting started, it was some nuance for us to find the right footing and being able to articulate our message and speak the appropriate lingo.

What kind of connections and experiences are you looking to find here at Capital Factory? Who would you like to meet?

Great question. I’m excited about access to the mentor network to get some help with navigating this new path. It’s not my first small business venture, but anything utilizing institutional capital is not on my immediate strengths. Meeting anybody locally, any Texas-based Seed investors, family offices and also Angels would be on my immediate checklist.

Meeting mentors and investors is definitely something our Accelerator program excels at. Last question — if our community can take away one key point about Goodieboxx, what would that be?

We’re a bootstrapped concept that just so happened to take the entrepreneurial path without instructions, a blueprint or any network. We’ve been a really scrappy and aggressive group. We were able to come in with this concept, get it to be profitable and get it to where it is now with little to nothing, so I think that speaks volumes to our strengths and our story so far.

Thanks so much for taking the time to talk to us, Maxie!

Does Maxie’s story sound familiar? Do you have an MVP product but need the investor and mentor network to reach its full potential? Learn more about our Accelerator program and how to apply.

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