Time to Close the Employee Engagement Gap

Mariana Jaeger
Austin Startups
Published in
3 min readJun 26, 2017


The continuous success of your teams and organizations depends on your ability to hire great potential, create purposeful avenues for growth and effective levels of accountability across every level in the organization.

It is no secret that companies are leaving lots of billions of dollars on the table and they have their 70% of non-engaged employees to thank for that.

Now we could sit here and blame it all on the people getting a pay check and looking at their watch every minute to see if it’s time to go. But, how would that really help?

Here is my proposal: Let’s take full responsibility as an organization and talk about ways to win over your people and start working as a team.

I present to you the 3-minute flash session on how to improve Employee Engagement.

Ready, set, GO!

HIRE TO DEVELOP — The most engaged people are going to be those that want to learn and grow. Don’t hire based on experience, hire for attitude.

ACTUALLY DEVELOP — Work as partners, train, coach, encourage, challenge and thank people for their efforts. Invest in their development. Make them self-aware.

REMOVE COMPENSATION FROM THEIR MIND — Pay people fairly and make it clear how your compensation plans work. When there is confusion, people feel taken advantage of and won’t be able to move on or forward in their jobs until that is solved. So, make sure your compensation plans are competitive, fair and easy to understand.

GIVE THEM A REASON TO DRIVE TO WORK EXCITED — How many of your people know your company’s mission? How many of them understand how their work ties to your mission and what would happen to your organization if they stopped working? People want PURPOSE, so provide them with one.

MAKE THEM OWNERS — The time of the “employee” is running out. Get people to think as owners of their own business. Their career is their business and what they bring to the table today will have an impact on their tomorrow. Challenge them to lead projects, to innovate, to work with cross-functional teams and learn as they go. Embrace their mistakes.

PROVIDE THEM WITH GREAT LEADERS — One of the most important reasons why people hate their jobs is their boss. How often do you hear people talk about how much they hate working for their boss? Having bad and inefficient leadership hurts your company all around, from profit to attrition. Have a strong leadership development strategy.

MAKE FEEDBACK THE TOPIC OF EVERY CONVERSATION — Feedback should be given in an honest, kind and straightforward way. Prepare your leaders to give feedback that drive self-growth.

MOVE QUICKLY TO COMMUNICATE CHANGES — There is nothing that makes people more anxious that hearing rumors of changes. The reality is that word always gets out. Quickly communicate, even if it means you saying “changes are coming, can’t share all the details, but stay tuned!”

DRIVE A CULTURE OF ACCOUNTABILITY — Expect the best out of every single individual. Do not lower your standards for anyone. Be the best, expect the best, no less than that.

THOSE THAT DON’T CARE, DON’T BELONG IN YOUR ORGANIZATION — If you are making a conscious effort to be the best company to work for in every aspect and there are still people not making great efforts to help the organization succeed, then they need to move on.

Be present, know your people and form strong relationships. Don’t rely on other’s to tell you what’s going on. Be around, walk through the halls, change your working station. Start conversations with your people, ask for their input and welcome honesty.

Originally published at www.break2be.com on June 27, 2017.



Writer, Speaker, Teacher and Coach of Career Develop, Baker, Athlete, Mama, Aunt, Sister, Immigrant, Equality Fighter. Committed to Self-Leadership.