Home Others The UK’s New Generation Of Young Business Leaders

The UK’s New Generation Of Young Business Leaders


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The United Kingdom is seeing a surge of creative energy from young entrepreneurs bubble up from all corners of the island. The new generation is made up of a diverse set of creative minds with a vision. Although their industries are different what defines most young entrepreneurs across the UK is a desire to recreate and reinvent, hashing out their own idea of what the future is for their markets and attracting widespread success with it.

Here but a few of the many of Britain’s young business leaders worthy of note:

Jamie Potter and Flexciton.

Jamie Potter is founder of Flexciton, a company that is breaking into the new potential offered by artificial intelligence and using it at that to take a crack at the persistent problem of environment waste and emissions. Rather than attack the oil and gas industry or power generating methods, Potter sees the answer not in reinventing the wheel but how much it produces with each turn through optimizing efficiency. Flexciton utilizes machine learning to chart data from machine production and develop applications from it to optimize energy consumption. This technology has the potential to reduce global energy consumption by 25%.

Louise Leolin and DinoByte Labs.

You might expect most gamer enthusiasts to be male, but Lousie Leolin, alongside her cofounder, is breaking the mold with her indie-gaming company called DinoByte Labs. As a gaming addict herself, she knows what makes a good idea into a profitable game experience and offers consultancy as well as game design with the cool, discerning eye of her start-up dedicated to producing success through diverse game and unique UX design.

Sebastian Cox Studio.

Sebastian Cox is a furniture designer dedicated to reviving British craft traditions. Founding his studio in 2010, he and his team work almost exclusively with British hardwoods to hand craft their designer furniture. The furniture also revives ancient techniques known as coppicing, a woodland management technique where saps and shoots of young trees are cut close to the ground so they can continue growing, and swilling, where long strips of green wood are moistened and weaved into strong wicker patterns. The results are beautiful, natural wood furnishings that have earned a good reputation for the studio.

Tommy Williams and All Shades Covered.

Tommy Williams is a young entrepreneur that followed a familiar path by many like him, he wanted to solve a simple problem he noticed. With a Nigerian family background, he became aware of the enormous cost of hair care products and extensions for black women when he heard his sister complaining about it. Using his financial background working as an investment banker for Goldman Sachs, he launched All Shades Covered in 2016. The company uses only real and natural hair that meets strict quality controls at a price below that of the middle man.

Jonny Grubin and SoPost.

Jonny Grubin followed another familiar path to young entreprenuers, turning a good conversation into real action that has seen him through to success. In our connected world, real, quality product feedback shouldn’t be such a problem right? It is and this is exactly what led Grubin to make product testing viral via the targeting of the friend circles of the best customers particular to each brand. Simple apps drive engagement with the delivered samples to test new products with targeted sampling with his service SoPost.

Archie Hewett and Duke and Dexter.

Archie Hewett is only in his early-twenties and founded his luxury shoe brand Duke and Dexter, as many young entrepreneurs have, when he identified a gap in the market from personal experience. Needing a pair of loafers for a black-tie event as a teenager, he searched high and low for something contemporary but traditional and found nothing. Commissioning a bespoke pair of shoes, he received compliments everywhere he went and slowly scaled his personal pair into a line of shoes now growing in worldwide sales and prized by celebrities.

So how are so many Millenial’s embarking on a journey of entrepreneurship? Of course one of the major reasons is advanced technologies, this in itself has created a vast array of new industries to be explored. Information is also so much more accessible, research can be done in the comfort of your own home through various platforms and around existing careers. There is also so much emphasis on business mentoring and there are many government initiatives in place to nurture and advise start up businesses.

Some business centres and university campus’ offer incubation centres or shared space where like minded people can bounce idea’s off each other.

With the growing popularity of shows like Dragons Den and Shark Tank, coupled with the confidence that the Millenials exude, they are more inspired than ever to give it a go and with so many succeeding the trend of these young entrepreneurs is sure to rise!