Home Products & Services The Benefits Of Using Managed Printing Services

The Benefits Of Using Managed Printing Services


managed printing services

Running a business nowadays has become much more convenient than it was decades ago. Most businesses today are digitalized, meaning most of their pen and paper-produced work contained in physical storage units is now transferred into computers and cloud servers. Digitalizing the work environment will undoubtedly ease up the entire work process and declutter company offices from mountains of documents and paper files.

Yet the importance of printers is undeniable in any workspace as printing documents is something most people do daily. But there’s a way to make your printing infrastructure more convenient and faster without dealing with problems like running out of ink during a printing cycle. You can now hire a company that provides managed print services (MPS), and they’ll take care of maintaining all the company’s printers for your convenience.

These are the top benefits to expect when hiring an MPS company:

1. Improved Company Efficiency While Saving Time.

Your employees spend plenty of time on printer-related tasks like copying, scanning, faxing, and printing documents. Performing all these tasks using poorly configured software or old hardware can be annoying since it can be time-consuming, and it requires a major effort. Moreover, if the printer malfunctions, your employees will take additional time to replace toners or cartridges.

Hiring an MPS provider will help identify problems like empty cartridges, and you’ll even get reports on matters such as print usage, consumable spending, and cost per printed page. An MPS company will not only provide your business with excellent maintenance and support, but you’ll be able to provide all your customers with uninterrupted service successfully. As a result, their assistance will help reduce your employees’ time on printer-related tasks. The staff can focus more on other strategic tasks instead of daily printer maintenance duties.

2. Your IT Department Will Be Free From Time-Consuming Tasks.

Like most companies, your IT department is most probably always pulled in different directions daily since every department needs IT assistance. Hiring an MPS company will undoubtedly give your IT department more time to solve other problems instead of focusing on cartridges, toners, and queued documents in the printer’s software. That way, your IT department will dedicate more time to their actual work, and they’ll be more available to your staff. After all, it’s essential to know that the IT department exists to solve much more significant issues like making sure your company’s computers work properly, rather than solving problems like printer equipment malfunction and empty toners.

3. You’ll Anticipate More Accurate Budget.

Partnering up with an MPS provider will help keep the costs down, but it’ll also increase efficiency and productivity, allowing you to see significant returns in profits each year. This is the result of anticipating an accurate budget for your business upon hiring an MPS company.

In a typical work environment that doesn’t have managed print services, print costs are included in the overall IT costs. When this happens, no one can really know the accurate price for print maintenance or usage cost. Hiring an MPS company will help categorize all print costs effectively and efficiently, allowing the tracking of printer usage per user. This procedure will reveal the details regarding usage costs, and knowing such information will provide you with the capacity to create a more accurate and streamlined budget for your organization’s overall needs.

4. Securing The Company’s Data.

Nowadays, it’s essential to have a safe and secure business network, and investing in data and digital access security is a crucial step. Information security requires frequent and ongoing system improvements, audits, and implementation of new and up-to-date hardware and software.  Yet even if you think all your office equipment is safe from potential cyber-attacks, there could always be hackers lurking around.

In this light, hiring excellent MPS providers can help alleviate various print IP identification risks with a uniquely tailored and secure print plan for your company. Moreover, it’s essential to hire only one MPS provider to reduce the number of outside users who have access to your networked devices.

Final Thoughts.

Managing and maintaining your company’s printers may sound like something anyone can easily do, but it takes many resources and is time-consuming as well. Your employees should use this time on doing work they need to do, and hiring an MPS provider will make that possible. Moreover, your employees usually aren’t qualified to upgrade and update printer systems or secure it from external attacks. Hiring an MPS provider may sound like an additional expense, but the bottom line is that your company will save money rather than lose it.