Home Others Web Design That Get Sales: Tips And Tricks To Get More Clients

Web Design That Get Sales: Tips And Tricks To Get More Clients


Any freelancer needs to increase their clients’ database. The only way to do that is to make sure clients get to admire your amazing web design in the first place. So, while web designers might be creative, funny and smart with their web design, they might lack the practical business side needed to get clients.

Want to polish your marketing skills and make sure you get more people to hire your services as a freelancer? Read along.

Make a Plan.

There is not a single profitable business without a strong business model. As such, you need to find a sea with plenty of fish in it. These fish must be hungry enough and like your food best of all. If you can position yourself as unique in the world of web designers, you can attract more clients. In fact, using WordPress is a definite plus, considering that it’s the biggest CMS.

Remember that your clients know little with respect to web design, so they rely on you to get results. You just need to know how to connect with them.

Make Connections.

This is the most difficult part of all, but it makes prospecting really easy if you have the following things:

A Relevant Website.

Your website can be built however you like, but the important thing is knowing how to optimise your web design for search engines so that you can see real results.

As such, you need to be relevant to your potential customers. You can do that with a good positioning strategy and content that focuses on solving people’s needs.

Though, once you have created your website, remember that your web design will need to be redesigned from time to time. According to the web design Brisbane company Magicdust, you need to change and upgrade your web design about every two years because what is trending now will not be trending forever.

Social Media Accounts.

You can’t have a strong online presence without social media. Just make sure you’re using the same channels as your audience. Remember that your objective is to engage with your customers on social media and improve your relationships, not just to sell your services.

A Personal Blog.

There is no better way to build your reputation other than showcasing your expertise and knowledge. Your blog helps you to gain credibility and possibly make you more famous, but so will writing guest posts for other reputable names in the business.


LinkedIn helps you to connect and network with people in your business. You can join groups so that you can interact and share resources, but you need a profile that’s SEO-optimized as well.

Foster Relationships.

It’s important to build relationships after you’ve found the right people to talk to. That means you have to become an expert at showing clients that you understand their needs and that you have the skills that help you solve their needs. Also, after you have started a new relationship, remember to keep regular contact by showing an interest in their personal likes and dislikes.

Set the Right Price.

The right price is always the one that doesn’t outweigh the value you’re bringing to clients. Prospects are more than happy to pay the price if your work is valuable. So how can you do that? It is simple – ask for their opinion and keep in touch with them throughout the project. Fostering and keeping relationships are essential in the world of freelancing!