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[ADV] How A Professional Writer Can Have A Great Career


Almost anybody can claim to be a writer these days because “blogging” is considered a form of writing profession already. However, not just because a person can bang away on a keyboard and write thoughts down in the process, should that person be considered a professional writer. In fact, that is the least criteria to be considered when thinking of the definition of a professional writer.

Students in college are given the opportunity to become a proficient writer through variously written homework. This is done through the assignment of essay writing tasks. Not all students take advantage of that opportunity though and instead, they hire a college admissions help company writer to take care of the essay details for them. This is a widespread mistake that these students make because the fundamentals learned regarding writing in college are what helps to spin a student off into a professional writing career in the future. However, some students attending college are eager to become a full, professional writer in the future. To achieve that status though, a person must undergo a series of profession related movements.

Complete a Bachelor’s Degree.

A person who is interested in becoming a writer must increase his Liberal Arts knowledge by enrolling in relevant majors that will offer related classed in literature, philosophy, and public debate. Normally, the graduates of a bachelor’s degree in of the following fields end up becoming a professional writer; English, Journalism, or any related field.

Gain Work Experience.

For entry-level positions, writers are not required to have any previous work experience. That is because the writer is expected to start at the bottom by learning from assigned mentors regarding specific writing tasks. As a writer begins to gain experience though, he may move on from being an ordinary writer to becoming a technical writer. That type of writing requires anywhere from 1-5 years of writing experience to complete. By the end of the five year writing experience, the formerly amateur writer will then have enough skills to finally call himself a professional.

Develop Key Skills Early on.

A proficient writer is expected to have strong skills in communication and technical requirements of the job. A promising writer will show talent in verbal communication skills, have a talent for persuading people over to his side of a debate, creativity, plus web programming or blogging software knowledge. These are required specifically for new writers trying to enter the writing field.

Decide When You Want to Start.

Writing as a career will not make you rich overnight. Build up a necessary trust fund first to fall back on while you wait for your writing career to pick up. That’s why you must start a date that you feel you will be financially prepared to start writing by. For example, the financial rule of thumb is that nobody should quit their job to start looking for a new job or career unless that person has at least six months salary saved up in an account for his use during his jobless time.

Schedule Writing Time.

Just like everything else in your daily routine, writing should have a work time of its own that cannot be broken. Remember, you aren’t making any money now, and this is the only job that could probably help pay your bills. Commit to a specific unchangeable writing time every day so that you will get used to having a writing schedule that is similar to holding down a regular job schedule. If you used to work from 9 AM to 5 PM, then you can perhaps set a writing time of 9 AM to 3 PM. This will help you keep a set writing schedule everyday so that you can meet your deadlines.

Don’t Obsess Over A Writing Career.

Like was said before, becoming a successful writer doesn’t happen overnight. New writers will face a tremendous amount of rejection and failed job applications before a writing company decided to take a chance on a writer or before the writer successfully launches his self-publishing career. You should expect to struggle for a few years before your career finally begins. When that happens, you can stop focusing on your writing career. Until that time comes though, it’s best just to see where it takes you.

What’s in a Writing Plan?

Get to know the writing industry and the current writing trends in the business.  Do you think you can deliver the same? How? It’s time to thresh out a career plan for yourself as a writer. Once you get a feel for the writing market, it will then be time for you to begin contacting publishers in case you want to go the book route instead of freelance writing.

Don’t Give Up.

Writing is one of the hardest businesses to break into. It could take anywhere from a few years to decades before you can break into the market. During all this time, people will try to discourage you from achieving your dream of becoming a writer. Don’t listen to your detractors. It is during this time of struggle and self-doubt that the writer should find the strength to believe in his writing talents. Know that the writing break will eventually come for you. That is why you can’t give up on your dream of becoming a writer when things start to get tough for you.

Nancy West is one of the most successful self-published authors in the professional writing business these days. She has been benefitting from the self-publication market for the past ten years, but she has been writing for 20. Like all writers, she learned to persevere and wait for her chance. When she began to self- publish her books, her career took a turn for the better.

“I started writing novels in 2002. I would set up my manuscripts and mail those out to editors and publishing firms to get professional representation for myself. In between waiting for responses, I dabbled in little academic writing on the side. It helped me pay my bills. After then years of waiting though, it became apparent to me that if I did not move my career forward, I could die as a frustrated writer. That’s when I decided to self-publish my books. The result, a handful of says on my launch date, but the books slowly began to take off, and eventually, I started getting regular sales from my published work. “

Ms. West admits that the road she took to becoming a successfully published writer was long and a bit challenging, especially when the money would sometimes run out on her. That’s all over for her now though. She is continuously receiving residual checks from her extensive library of 20th century period romance novels.

Tom Clancy did not become an overnight writing sensation with his first publication. Agatha Christie struggled to become a known published author for years before she hit is big. The most well known authors developed their talents, skills, and popularity over time. Using the tips above, some of which were followed by the popular authors of today, anybody who is a struggling writer – or professional translator – today just might himself the toast of the publication world the next day.