Home Others Why Resource Planning Software Is Necessary For Small Business Success

Why Resource Planning Software Is Necessary For Small Business Success


by Akshat Singh, project manager and resource coordinator at eResource Scheduler

In modern times, small and medium enterprises businesses are playing a very fundamental role in the growth of any country’s economy. This increasing impact that these kinds of businesses have on the worldwide economy explains why the owners have to be more attentive than ever.

Small businesses have overwhelming advantages as solutions of all sorts are continually being made available to them at very affordable rates. Among them is the presence of a resource planning software for use in the management of various resources. But why would a business need this kind of software?

Problems Facing Small Businesses.

Any business starts out small and if well managed, growth is inevitable. Any successful small business is one that experiences growth over time. Business growth entails expansion in all kinds of resources as well as activities. Resources include human resources, financial resources as well as tangible and intangible resources such as company brands, goodwill and reputation of the firm. On the other hand a business engages in activities such as manufacturing, distribution, inventory management, finance, planning, accounting and human resources.

At the beginning, the management of these operations and resources might be easy. However, as the business exhibits increased growth management of such operations and resource will automatically become overwhelmingly difficult for your business. This therefore calls for an immediate response so as to ensure proper planning of the business activities and resources. There is a need to ensure a balance is achieved in the handling of all the operations and resources. Failure to do this will definitely lead to the collapse of one or more sections of the business. This might be caused by the inability of the business to effectively and efficiently allocate its various resources to its departments.

Impacts of the Problems on the Small Businesses

Change is inevitable and must be embraced by every business that aspires to remain competitive in the industry. Lack of proper planning of the resources and activities of the organization will result in multiple problems such as:-

  1. Ineffective and inefficient allocation of resources to the numerous business departments.
  2. The management lacks the ability to recognize existing challenges and hence unknowingly postponing business success.
  3. The management lacks the ability to recognize business opportunities that can boost its performance in the industry.
  4. Mismanagement of the human resources of the organization; one of the most important assets of the firm and hence causing high labour turnover.
  5. The costs of managing inventory become inherently high thus reducing business profits.
  6. The business lacks the ability to ensure proper planning of its financial resources which can lead to business failure.
  7. Inefficient and ineffective use of the company resources is very common which greatly impacts the performance of the business.

Effective and Efficient Business Solution

For a business to ensure that all its departments are allocated the necessary resources, a system needs to be installed that has the power to calculate and allocate the business resources for every department to perform its operations optimally. A good resource planning software will go a long way in ensuring proper management of the numerous complex operations. This software brings together all the operations of a business hence ensuring proper business management. It enhances communication, simplifies work flow and also facilitates sharing and access of crucial information to the members of the organization.

There are multiple software that suits specific needs of every business. Each of the software consists of varying modules that are dependent on the specific needs as well as the technical strengths of the business. Every module usually focuses on a specific area of business operation such as distribution or inventory management. Therefore, a business can buy a software module that meets its specific needs.

Benefits of Purchasing the Software

The purchase, installation and implementation of this software offers businesses overwhelming benefits:-

  1. Cost Effectiveness – This is achieved as soon as the business gets rid of manual efforts of conducting its activities. This is possible when the business has finished training its employees how to use the software. At this point, the business will be in a position to get rid of unnecessary employees while retaining the most productive because the software is not people dependent. With this software, it is possible to speed up engagement with customers as well as workforce productivity which facilitates reduction of operational costs.
  2. Coordination of Business Functions – The modules of the software enhance coordination of the numerous business functions. This increased coordination enhances the speed with which the company share information between and among departments. A business is also able to centralize its operations which help in eliminating cases of data loss hence enhancing information security.
  3. Improved Customer Satisfaction – The ability of a business to achieve customer satisfaction is key in modern business success. This is easily achieved with the implementation of modules that improve the operations and workforce productivity which ensures timely delivery of services and products to customers as well as world class service levels. Customers are very important to any business and therefore, ensuring their satisfaction plays a major role in business success. The software usually ensures that a small business meets its customers’ demand by making available enough products and of high quality.
  4. Improved Workflow & Efficiency– Work flow is made easier and faster and hence allowing a business to attain high levels of efficiency. Thanks to the software, centralization of information is attained which in turn allows employees to easily and quickly access information. This way, employees productivity is highly enhanced which further translates to increased performance of the overall business. Reduced paper work translates to accurate and easy storage of information for future records. This in turn improves workflow as well as communication among the workforce in the different levels of a business.It is important to choose a good software provider to ensure that the necessary applications are professionally installed and the employees trained properly for a business to experience expected growth and success.


Akshat Singh is a project manager and resource coordinator at eResource Scheduler. He debates on the pro’s & cons of using an efficient resource scheduling software in an organization. An avid writer, he can be actively found on Twitter.





  1. […] Why Resource Planning Software Is Necessary For Small Business Success In modern times, small and medium enterprises businesses are playing a very fundamental role in the growth of any country’s economy. This increasing impact that these kinds of businesses have on the worldwide economy explains why the owners have to be more attentive than ever. Posted in : Resource Planning Tags: application, business, planning, resource, resource management, resource management software, resource planning, resource planning software, resource scheduling, resource scheduling software, scheduling, software /* […]

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