Home Advice For The Young At Heart Your No Fear Career

Your No Fear Career


by Robin Fisher Roffer, author of “Your No Fear Career

Successful businesswoman

The office can be a scary place. There are demanding clients, bosses who bully, conniving coworkers, and people who play politics. It seems that fear, mistrust, anxiety and feeling overwhelmed run through the veins of professionals at every level. When left unchecked, this fear creates a negative work environment that stifles innovation and sabotages service – the very things needed to gain a competitive edge.

The flip side of fear is faith. When we have faith in our talents, our team and our product or service, we simply can’t be in fear. But how do we have faith in our company and in ourselves when demands are coming at us so fast and the future seems so uncertain?

Running on a hamster wheel, we try to find our place in the fastest changing market the world has ever known. Unfortunately, many of us lack the courage to accept change, so we go round and round until we become irrelevant and discarded.

We’re afraid of getting hurt. We’re afraid of rejection. We’re afraid we are too old. We’re afraid we are too young. We’re afraid we will be criticized. We’re afraid that we are under appreciated. We’re afraid we are in over our head. We’re afraid we’re not enough. I say “we” because I’ve yet to run across anyone who hasn’t felt these fears. Those that become stuck or burned out and eventually grow resentful ask, “Why is this happening to me?” While the brave ones tell themselves, “This is happening for me!” They accept what is and move forward fearlessly.

That’s how I’d describe myself. I see challenges as gifts to help me grow, and I won’t hesitate to take a risk. I’m not talking about jumping out of airplanes or crossing the border into North Korea. The things I do are fearless on another level. For example, I left my Midwest hometown of Cleveland, Ohio to go to the Deep South and attend the University of Alabama. I made a name for myself at Turner Networks as a Media Marketing Specialist on the team that launched TNT and turned CNN into “The World’s News Leader.” Then I chucked my corporate job and started a marketing firm – Big Fish – reinventing it many times over the last two decades so that it remains relevant and profitable. After relocating the business to LA and building a multimillion-dollar interactive division, I dissolved that piece of the business and relocated my family and Big Fish to Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Today I work with media companies on their brand stories, marketing campaigns and sales strategies. I also give keynote speeches on fearless leadership and lead workshops that bring people with different points of view onto the same page. Most of my clients see what I do as nothing short of death-defying acts. For me, being on that edge is where I feel most alive.

If you want a big career, you have to put yourself out there. When you do, you’re bound to bump up against fear. In my case, I face it with a fair amount of chutzpah and a whole lot of drive. I choose to push through uncertainty and doubt because I want what’s on the other side.

I wrote “Your No Fear Career” when my marriage to my business partner was falling apart. I was facing the unexpected reality of being a single parent to our teenager daughter, and running our company on my own. It felt like everything was changing at once, and fear started to take hold of me.

In response, I brought together all of the tools I’d honed over the years to navigate this overwhelming and utterly terrifying transition. In the end, I wrote “Your No Fear Career as a guide for myself.

I’m hoping that readers find my book to be a tool for transformation. It contains stories, steps and exercises to help you keep your cool, let go of everything that is holding you back, and get your swagger on.

After reading “Your No Fear Career“, I want women to feel fearless about taking micro-risks and bold leaps that are aligned with their true purpose. I want them to move from fear into faith of themselves, their talents, their team and their product or service. Ultimately, I would love readers to see change as an ally, and say “yes” to opportunity.

Like eating an artichoke, I want readers to peel back the layers of themselves leaf-by-leaf to get to their lion-like heart. Uncovering and trusting their authentic self and true nature so they can catapult to what’s next, fearlessly.


Robin Roffer

Robin Fisher Roffer is founder and CEO of Big Fish Marketing, Inc., leading an award-winning creative team adept at unearthing a brand’s essence and filter, its look, feel and tagline, market positioning, value proposition and key messaging to both consumers and the trade. With a mission to inspire professionals to fearlessly reach their potential, Robin has authored four books, including “Make a Name for Yourself” and “Your No Fear Career“. Follow Robin on Facebook and Twitter.