Home Resources VoIP: What Is It And What Benefits Does It Offer Your Company?

VoIP: What Is It And What Benefits Does It Offer Your Company?


VoIP (‘Voice over Internet Protocol’) has become a major player for a lot of companies. And we understand that plenty of businesses favour internet telephony over analogue lines, because it has many benefits.

Are you curious to find out what VoIP is, how it works and what the possible benefits for your company are? Then read on and find out. 

What is VoIP?

VoIP makes it possible to call without using a landline or mobile network. You use one uniform method for telephone traffic – and other unified communication services – via the internet. VoIP makes use of the existing internet and therefore doesn’t need its own infrastructure. And because VoIP uses the same UTP cables or WiFi connection as your computer, laptop or printer, you can say goodbye to a NT1 box, ISRA point or ISDN cables. And that provides financial advantages and many other benefits.

How VoIP works.

VoIP technology transports speech through packet-switched protocols, instead of the old fashioned use of electromagnetic wave movements to transport voice sounds (PSTN). The packet-switched protocols (digital blocks) imitate the movements of speech waves. These small digital blocks get different labels, which you can compare to envelopes. On these labels are the shipping address and destination, so the packages can find their way to the destination. This system has two major benefits; a lot more information can be sent over the same infrastructure and if one of the lines malfunctions, the information can be sent via another route. 

So VoIP telephony (Dutch: VoIP bellen) converts voice signals into digital signals. Then, the digital data is transmitted via the worldwide internet, through the Internet Protocol (TCP / IP). So, a telephone call from your VoIP telephone is sent through your router, over the internet to your internet provider. Your internet provider then sends the data via the internet to the provider of the organization you’re calling. This provider converts it back to an analog signal and sends it over the analog line to the person you’re in a call with.

The benefits of VoIP.

There are multiple benefits of using VoIP. Your company doesn’t have to invest money in an interoffice telephone and there are no maintenance costs. Your company can also save up to 70% on the distribution costs and calls from other branches of your company are free of charge. So, VoIP is cost saving. But there is more…

With VoIP, you don’t have to be in the office to connect to the phone system. You and your colleagues can access the office directory through your smartphone, laptop or tablet and make and receive calls as if you’re in the office. The result? Much more flexibility! VoIP also has way more functionalities than the landline. Examples are call waiting, hunt groups, fixed mobile convergence and integrating office systems like the CRM with your VoIP system. And VoIP offers you a virtual number, that allows you to have a local phone number, no matter where you are in the world.

So, more flexibility and increased savings by lowering costs. That is what VoIP has to offer your company.

Do you want to know more about VoIP? Find out more at De Nederlandse Provider.