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[Sponsored] The Next Step In User Acquisition? Social Video.


by Hillel Scheinfeld, COO of Viewbix

You spent a lot of time and perhaps even a lot of money creating compelling videos and distributing them across the web. Yet the big question remains, are people watching your videos and more importantly for your business, are those video viewers becoming customers of your products or services?

Why is this a big deal? Cisco predicts by 2013 that 90% of all web traffic will be generated by video.

So, are you ready for all of these potential customers when they come? Are you ready to convert all of that video traffic into qualified leads and purchasers?

Here are some best practices we at Viewbix have learned to help you convert your video viewers into action takers:

Social, Mobile, Web Videos Need Calls to Action for Business Success

The days of driving users to your website as the exclusive way to engage and convert them are over. People today are finding your company and watching your videos on the web, mobile and social networks. You need to be able to convert them whenever and wherever they are watching your videos.

One thing we talk about a lot with our clients is they start getting some good social sharing of their videos. While that does increase their video views it doesn’t necessarily help increase their customer base

What you really want, is that they share your videos with an embedded call to action so everyone who sees that video can become a potential customer.

You’ve Got Them at Hello!

When your viewers click the play button to start watching your video they’ve told you they are interested in what you have to say. This is the best time to convert them to a lead or sale. At Viewbix, we accomplish this by allowing you to add calls to action and interactive apps directly in the video player.

Let’s use the email marketing apps as an example. When you add one of these apps along with your video you can drive email subscriptions while people are watching your video. They don’t need to leave the video or page they are on, they can complete the sign up in the player itself.

A/B Testing: Practice Makes Perfect

Some of the most common questions we get asked are; what apps perform best for my video? How many apps is too many? What should I put in the call to action text?

While we share some best practices, (like you’d be surprised how many people viewing videos also like seeing pictures, etc)
what we’ve seen is the answers to these questions are highly dependent on your business and how you are using your videos. The way to really solve this problem is by testing, testing and testing. You need to be able to create A/B tests and most importantly track how they are performing.

One other important thing to consider is how complex this task is, if you’re like most businesses you are really stressed for time, so make sure you have use a testing platform that is simple to use yet provides you with the tools you need.

Our Pro clients use our cloning feature to create A/B tests in seconds and link the results to our integrated analytics suite.

This is a sponsored guest post blog from Hillel Scheinfeld, COO of Viewbix.