Home Others Wasting Away – The State Of Workplace Productivity

[Infographic] Wasting Away – The State Of Workplace Productivity


Workplace productivity isn’t as high as it can be, many managers complain. The culprit they usually point to? The Internet and social media. But they’re wrong.

Every year, some $134 billion is lost by employees spending time on tasks that are not work-related. The biggest time-wasting culprit is actually meetings, followed by office politics and annoying colleagues. That’s right, dear manager – more time is wasted in frivolous and pointless meetings than your junior colleagues on Facebook in the office.

The biggest irony is that employees don’t waste time because they feel they are underpaid. They waste time mainly because they feel under-utilized at work. Here’s an infographic that shows you the state of workplace productivity (or the lack of it) and the reasons why:

Wasting Away: The State of Workplace Productivity
[Via: BOLT Insurance]


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