Every Once in a While, Shake Up Your Calendar

If your calendar accurately reflects how you spend your time then it’s a source of truth like no other. More than your words and more than your intentions, what you actually do each day is the ultimate statement of your priorities and values. Twice annually I make wholesale changes to how I approach scheduling my hours, days and weeks. It’s usually a combination of correcting bad habits or observations about mismatches between my goals and my effort. But I also throw in some experiments to test hypotheses, such as in 2014 making my default meeting time 30m instead of 45-60m.

If folks find it interesting, I’ll write up what I’m trying out now, but also wanted to share some resources to help you think about your own calendars and time.

One thought on “Every Once in a While, Shake Up Your Calendar

  1. Pingback: Ok, Here Are My Fall 2015 Calendar Experiments | Hunter Walk

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