Reshaping the News: The Skimm Raises Seed Round from Homebrew

Content is about knowing your audience. About knowing where you fit in their day and needs. About creating habit. About having growth and business models which match what the Internet is good for – namely, connecting you with sources of trusted information for “what you need to know.” And speaking in a human voice to your community while inviting them inside. This is what we observed while working at Google, YouTube and Twitter and it’s what we see at The Skimm, Homebrew’s most recent investment. The Skimm delivers a handcrafted summary of top news stories into your inbox each morning. Written not by an algorithm but by two ex-NBC News producers.

Homebrew invested because we believe in new players innovating within traditional markets. What we saw here (and in UpCounsel, an earlier investment bringing on-demand legal services to SMBs) is that innovation comes from talented young industry professionals who are changing the status quo because they love the future more than the past. Carly and Danielle, the Skimm’s founders, were rising stars within their company, but they were willing to give up the safe path. They LOVE the news. They just want it to be written, packaged and delivered to their generation – and future generations – in a different way. And quietly they’ve built a six digit subscription base that’s growing quickly because of passalong and word of mouth.

We read The Skimm. We invested in The Skimm. And we’re excited to see Carly & Danielle put their stamp on the industry they love.

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