Home Others Why Should Startups Go For Pre-Employment IQ Tests?

Why Should Startups Go For Pre-Employment IQ Tests?


Intelligence has always been an important factor in employment. Many businesses, especially startups, try to choose the smartest people possible.

But the question is how they can choose them?

In this article, we’ll explain IQ tests and introduce some valid online IQ tests startups can use to measure their employees’ intelligence.

What is an IQ test?

The Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is a measurement of a person’s ability to solve problems and think critically. IQ tests are used to measure this ability, and your IQ scores tell you how brilliant you are.

Your IQ number represents both fluid and crystallized intellect in reality. In comparison to persons of your age, your IQ score reflects how well you do on various mental activities.

This is a standardized method for comparing your mental ability to that of a peer group.

The results of IQ tests can be interpreted in a variety of ways, but a score of 90 to 109 indicates typical or normal intelligence. The world’s theoretical average is considered to be 100.

The importance of IQ vs. experience in the workplace

The question is to what extent the IQ score is influential and if it’s more important than the experience.

If you can answer this question, you can make a perfect decision when it comes to choosing an employee.

What would you do in case you had a candidate with a high IQ who lacks appropriate subject expertise from childhood? While they may have a high IQ, their brain will lack the necessary connections to comprehend the domain.

This means that, like someone with a lower IQ who also lacks relevant expertise, they will need to recall suitable stages and procedures.

What if, on the other hand, someone with a lower IQ has relevant childhood experience?

Depending on the vacancy, you have to balance these two factors. For example, consider someone with a lower IQ who has years of experience in selling items dealing with customers, vs someone with a higher IQ who has spent their whole life studying at home.

In this example, the candidate with the lower IQ is more likely to excel in sales and marketing roles, as well as customer service.

While the younger candidates with the higher IQ have more potential, they lack the necessary experience to transform that promise into skill. In these situations, an IQ test is ineffective in identifying the top achievers.

So you need to be careful when facing such a situation.

The average IQ score for different age groups

It’s obvious that the IQ score should be interpreted differently for various age groups. Here is how:

  • 16-17 years old: the IQ score for this age group is 108.
  • 18-19 years old: the IQ score for this age group is 105.
  • 20-24 years old: the average IQ score is 99.
  • 24-34 years old: the average score is 97.
  • 35-44 years old: this age group’s average IQ score is 101.
  • 45-54 years old: the average IQ score is 106.
  • 54-64 years old: the average score is 109.
  • 65-69 years old: the IQ score is 114.
  • 70-74 years old: the average score is 119.

So you need to pay attention to the tests’ results and compare them with the right age group’s average IQ score.

Best IQ tests you can take online

Fortunately, there are a bunch of valid online tests you can use to measure your candidates’ IQ scores.

This way, you can make sure about the results and choose the best one.


One of the most well-known exams available online is Free-IQTest.net. It consists of 20 questions that will accurately measure your IQ level.

When completing this test, you must give your birth date since the test calculates your IQ based on your age so that you may compare yourself to your peers.

IQ Exam

IQ Exam is a brand-new online IQ test that promises to be one of the most accurate currently available. When you visit their website, you’ll see the name of your nation.

It was created by a group of research students at McGill University and is largely considered as one of the most reliable tests.

It consists of 30 questions, and if you pass the test, you will be given a certificate confirming your findings. In the United States, 89,000 individuals have taken this test so far.

You may get important information on the standard deviation of IQ tests on their website, which allows you to compare your findings to the majority of your community right away.

Brain Metrix

Another free IQ test you may take online is the Brain Metrix test. It’s a 20-question test that should take about 15 minutes to complete.

This exam requires no information about your age, making it one of the simplest on the internet. It’s simple to complete and you’ll have your results fast.


123Test is a great alternative if you want to take an IQ test without having to register or wait for membership.

It includes outstanding sample examinations, as well as scores, the number of right answers, and an assessment to see whether you are suitable for high IQ communities.

It comes with a limited-scope trial exam that will give you a solid idea of what to expect from the real examination.

IQ Test Prep

IQ Test Prep offers both short and long IQ tests of excellent quality. Based on your traits, you may choose the ideal one for you.

By giving your email address, you may acquire a certificate displaying your IQ score.

Genius Tests

Genius Tests is also an excellent tool for determining your IQ. It offers a number of IQ tests, including both short and long versions, for anybody to take.

If you dread taking long tests, this is an excellent option for you.