Rob Go: 

In search of things new and useful.

Congrats To Directr on their Acquisition by Google

Rob Go
August 6, 2014 · < 1  min.

Directr was founded on a mission to allow anyone with a smart phone to create great video. The realization of the founders is that while video is perhaps the most powerful mechanism for communication, very few people are able to use it effectively.

In a few short years, the team at Directr built an award winning product that democratized the creation of quality video for consumers and businesses alike. And earlier today, it was announced that the company looking to democratize video creation was successfully acquired by Youtube, the world’s leader in democratizing video distribution.

I’m excited to see where Google takes the company and how they integrate the product into their various offerings. It’s a win for all involved, but a bittersweet one for me because we loved working closely with Max, Eli, and the team.

Congrats guys, and good luck pursuing your same mission with a much much bigger platform. I hope we get to work together again.

Rob Go
Rob is a co-founder and Partner at NextView. He tries to spend as much time as possible working with entrepreneurs to develop products that solve important problems for everyday people.