Home Resources Is There An App For Proofreading?

Is There An App For Proofreading?


You can feel confident turning in your manuscript when you use proofreading tools to supplement the editing process. Editing software like ProWritingAid and Grammarly can reduce the number of mistakes that slip through the final proofreading pass. They’re an especially keen set of eyes for spotting technical errors and style inconsistencies.

So, to answer your question: yes, there is an app for proofreading — a whole bunch of them. Most are available for free but require a premium to access additional features. Aside from performing the standard spelling and grammar checks, these toolkits also check for readability and clarity. They spotlight poor word choices and provide insightful suggestions for each.

So, without further ado, let’s take a look at some of today’s top proofreading tools. You’ll be surprised how easy it is to test most of these apps out!

Proofreading Tools for Writers and Editors.

Whether you’re a writer who’s self-editing or an editor polishing someone else’s work, you can count on these tools to help you out:

Microsoft Word.

Old school is still cool where proofreading is concerned. Sure, Microsoft Word may be lacking the diversified features of its contemporary counterparts, but when it comes to checking prose for technical errors, it can still give the best a run for their money. With macros for checking grammar, this tool pretty much has the simple editing tasks covered.

What are these “simple tasks,” exactly? Word identifies run-on sentences, suggests synonyms and more appropriate word choices, spots redundancy, and matches words within the text for consistent spelling.

If all these sound good to you, then perhaps you need not look further for a proofreading tool. It might already be pre-installed with your Windows OS.


If you want something that has a little bit (okay, a whole lot) more to offer than MS Word, then Grammarly could be just that. It’s the go-to app for most editors and writers looking for a free and reliable editing tool.

Aside from spotting mistakes with spelling and grammar, it also highlights poor word choices and accompanies them with suggestions for improvement. You can even sync Grammarly’s paid version with most of your web apps, including email.

One thing that sets Grammarly apart from many proofreading and editing apps is its ability to consider the context. It can identify words and phrases used in the wrong context and evaluate grammar within the scope of sentence context. These go a long way to improving the clarity and readability of your work.

By most proofreading app standards, Grammarly may seem basic. Nonetheless, it’s still one of the most reliable tools for editing around.

Hemingway Editor.

The main focus of Hemingway Editor is to identify content that decreases the readability of your work. If any part of your manuscript lacks clarity or consistency, the tool will pinpoint that section instantly.

Run-on sentences and complex words and phrases are its greatest enemies. Passive voice writing falls right behind these issues and will also highlight them on the spot. The Editor will then assign you a score reflecting the reading level of the audiences your work appeals to.

If ease of transition and smoothness is your goal, then this app could be right on the money. It’s main aim is to keep content simple, which is all that’s really needed to accomplish such an objective. However, you may want to look elsewhere for proofreading tools suited for scientific or academic work.


Now, there’s no question that this tool gives Grammarly a run for its money. It offers all the features that Grammarly does and goes the extra mile on its reports.

We are talking about nearly 30 detailed reports on matters such as word choice, repetition, POV inconsistencies, pacing and momentum, and overused words. It also provides insightful suggestions on how to remedy each issue.

Plus, if you’re looking not to get distracted when editing specific parts of your manuscript, you can rely on the tool’s anti-distraction mode. It turns off real-time highlighting that sometimes puts you off the editing process.

ProWritingAid works with other applications, too. You can use it with Google Docs, Chrome, Scrivener, and Windows MS Office. Of course, such a powerful AI will require a good internet connection.

Unlike Grammarly, ProWritingAid requires a fast, dedicated server to unleash its full potential. However, like Grammarly, it isn’t compatible with Apple MS Office.

Apps for Proofreading.

Honestly, there are too many of them to count. Though, the most widely-used apps are easy enough to uncover with a simple internet search, which shouldn’t be too difficult for resourceful writers and editors.

The fact of the matter is: we want to turn in the best work. And sometimes, our own set of eyes or even another set of human eyes just isn’t enough. We need to supplement the editing process with modern technology that’s available at our disposal.