Hacking Startups

Jul 3 2008

10 useful Facebook apps

Most Facebook apps are giggly.  But serious apps exist even today when they cannot spread.

A comment on my earlier post 75% of Facebook users are giggly and poke; 25% are serious and import bookmarks asks if there are, indeed, any serious Facebook apps.  Here are some of the serious apps that I have installed:

  1. Analytic Polls – opinion comparison/sharing.
  2. Antlook – news.  Personalized recommendations from AI.
  3. Causes – charity.  The only popular serious Facebook app.
  4. Dopplr – business travel.  Tells when contacts are in the same place as you.
  5. Feedheads – tool for importing Google Reader shared items and RSS in general.
  6. Mento – bookmarking tool that tells you when friends click. Firefox extension that takes screenshots.
  7. Neighborhoods – meet your neighbors on Facebook.  I’ve become friends with two great people this way.
  8. PayPal – fundraising.
  9. SeenThis – news.  All WSJ content for free.
  10. Truemors – tips and rumours.

You’ll notice that no-one uses these excellent apps, with the exception of Causes.  Because serious apps are not used, developers have no incentive to create more.  If my proposal were implemented, there would be more, and better, serious apps.

But before then, you can still enjoy these apps that developers made against their best interest and judgment.