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What Value Does A Business Coach Add To Your Startup?


As a business person who is contemplating bringing in a business coach, you’re probably wondering how he or she will add value to your operations. If it’s any consolation, you aren’t alone. Many entrepreneurs often wonder about the same thing. But with the advent of technology and the ever-changing client needs, it is essential to be armed with the relevant information about how you can navigate the murky waters of entrepreneurship. Again, since the market is full of competition, it’s also vital to have a mentor who will make you work harder, smarter, and progress faster.

Business coaching is the linchpin that links you to other influential people that you would never have known if you were to do it all alone. A coach will arm you will the tools needed to break through barriers that you are facing or will be facing in the coming days. Let’s have a look at the value that a business coach adds to your startup. But first, who is a business coach?

A business coach is an experienced business owner or entrepreneur who decides to use their talent for developing and growing a business to assist other entrepreneurs in attaining their goals. Coaching is not therapy or consulting – it is somewhere in between. In a nutshell, a business coach helps you move from your initial position to where you see yourself in the future and does so only by focusing on your goals. He or she will help you:

Helps brainstorm brilliance.

Two hands are stronger that one – but it’s even better when the other hand is more experienced than yours. Having a coach on your team gives you not only a collective power but also an excellent opportunity to brainstorm new ideas. You probably are thinking, “Well, I can just download brainstorming software online.” But you should know that coaching is both an art and science – and the software is only science. The “art” part involves uncovering beliefs and values that you never knew existed and connecting them to your intentions and desires. Sometimes, all you need is someone to see a different angle of things.

Helps you see yourself clearly.

It’s easy to assume that you know yourself better – which is true – but not in all aspects, especially business. According to research, people don’t see themselves clearly, though it matters a lot. In fact, high self-awareness in leaders is highly linked to organizational profitability and effectiveness. Employees also want to follow a leader who has a clear perception of themselves and is willing to share their views. A good coach can help you discover how others see you right from the onset of your engagement. He or she will also take time to understand you as a person, give his or her perception based on a range of aspects, and even help you build skills to visualize yourself better.

Helps you see others clearly.

In addition to helping you see yourself more clearly, a coach will help you see others more clearly. This is a very critical skill to develop as a leader because it allows you to anticipate any problem before it gets out of proportion. Without this skill, it will be hard to accurately assess your employees’ situations and prevent unforeseen circumstances like them quitting. A good coach will have an accurate and insightful perception of your team and will share the perception with you. He or she will also help you apply the same psychological skills you learned to perceive yourself better to assess others.

Guides you.

A good coach will challenge your goals, thinking, and willingness to grow. As we mentioned earlier, a business coach is someone who has started a business (sometimes more than one) and scaled it successfully. What better way to learn about the right steps to follow than through someone who’s been there? The value of bringing in a coach isn’t gauged by the technical tool you learn, but the mental tool because this won’t get obsolete in months.

More accountability.

Accountability is a big part of any successful business. A good coach will not only help you come up with goals; he or she will also hold you accountable for doing things that you need to do to bring your goals and aspirations into reality.