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Author Cassady Cayne Used Her Spiritual Awakening To Help 1 Million Readers

When you observe Cassady Cayne, a bestselling spiritual author and founder, you would never know that she once lived in a mental space of darkness and despair.

When you observe Cassady Cayne, bestselling spiritual author and founder of Twin Flames 11:11, you would never know that she once lived in a mental space of darkness and despair. Having grown up in an atheist family in small-town Europe, Cassady’s world never involved spirituality. She followed a traditional path like her family, believing there was nothing deeper to life, and adopting societal norms. Until a profound moment of awakening set her on a path of spiritual enlightenment.


An unexpected journey of the soul

Hungry for knowledge and eager to set herself up for life, as guided by parents and teachers, Cassady Cayne studied hard to get her university degree. She felt that everything was going her way when she landed a successful position in the media at the young age of 21.

However, things soon took an unexpected turn for the worse. Cassady’s chronic health condition escalated, and the recession hit, causing her to lose her job. This forced her to abandon her career dreams, leaving the big city to move back in with her parents.

Living in her parent’s attic, jobless and disillusioned with life, Cassady entered a period of deep darkness. She started doubting her path and the approach to life she had been taught and felt that life would never get better. Little did she know, this was the dark night of the soul: a period that directly precedes the spiritual awakening.


Embarking upon a spiritual awakening

One night after months of depression, something incredible happened. As she fell into sleep, she experienced an awakening: a lightning bolt feeling of overwhelming love from the universe and a heart activation of unconditional love from her twin soul. A deeper world began to emerge. This started off her spiritual awakening, opening her path of soul searching and a whole new life.

Beginning to receive more and more insights and guidance of pure unconditional love, Cassady opened herself to exploring healing gifts and spiritual communication.  She now realized that she wasn’t just a person with a name, brain, and body; she was a soul with purpose on this planet.

To start with, spirituality, healing, and guidance were completely new subjects to her, and she felt completely alone in her awakening. No one around her understood. However, she was guided to reach out and share her experiences with others online, being told she wasn’t the only one going through this. This began Cassady’s path of teaching, both about energy and the twin flame phenomenon.


What are Twin Flame soulmates?

Science shows us that everything in the world is made up of energy, including us humans! We are all made up of microparticles or atoms vibrating at a specific energetic frequency. That frequency is high or low depending on our emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and the energy we have taken on throughout our lives. For example, if we’ve experienced trauma in our childhood, we might have taken on negative charges that are yet to be released.


“When you are true to yourself, you activate your inner soul song, which magnetizes you to your twin flame. When we tap into our soul’s purpose and align with a higher frequency, we can feel our twin’s energy and, ultimately, attract them into our life” Cassady Cayne, Founder of Twin Flames 11:11


Twin Flames 11:11

After learning about twin flames and the process of spiritual awakening and ascension, Cassady Cayne set about supporting others to find and harmonize their connection with their twin flame soulmate and heal wounds from their past. She began to write comprehensive blogs and books, launching her platform Twin Flames 11:11. Her readership quickly snowballed to over 1 million readers a year, full of like-minded souls looking to find and unite with this special person in their lives. As she journeyed deeper with her own counterpart, they evolved and grew together, entering into the twin flame union state of unconditional love.


Relationships are vital to all aspects of life

Cassady is passionate about supporting others with relationship healing because love and relationships are vital aspects of life, and many struggle with this subject. The reason is that as we journey through life, we take on distortions and wounds along the way.

We pick up negative beliefs and energies from our surroundings with friends, parents, colleagues, or a partner. If we don’t heal and resolve this negativity, we tend to bring those feelings into relationships, and it can cause problems. This is a typical struggle for twin flame soulmates when they first unite, as they often experience a purging of negative baggage called ‘ascension’.

In her work, Cassady Cayne uses mindfulness methods, alchemical tradition, energetic healing, and cleansing techniques to help twin flame couples identify these patterns and heal in order to open to harmony. She believes that twin flames are here to show the world a higher state of love and help break through historical models of conflict and opposition. In doing so, they agree to learn and evolve at a higher pace than most, but the blessing is that it can open to a blissful, immensely passionate love unlike any other experience in life.

Having lived the twin flame experience herself, Cassady uses sacred spirituality, tried and tested mindfulness and quantum energy methods, and techniques developed on her journey to help others find their twin soul and reach harmony. Her work with Twin Flames 11:11 is soul-focused and gender/LGBT+ inclusive, assisting others in anchoring into their own highest path of love and unity. She firmly believes that Twin Flames finding each other and joining together in harmony will help bring more love, forgiveness, and unity into the world.


Natasha Zo is a former journalist from Siberia turned international media relations specialist and a freelance writer. Known for her connector skills, she guided a number of authors to Amazon bestseller status, booked national TV, top tier media, and over 400 media interviews. Leading up to this she lived on 3 different continents, volunteered in Central America, managed a high-performing marketing team in Asia, taught public speaking to refugee teenagers. She is an aspiring freelance writer on a mission to amplify the messages of conscious leaders through media. 


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