Home Advice For The Young At Heart Starting A Business From Zero

Starting A Business From Zero


by Dr. David Kubes

There are about 2 million business ideas out in the world that have one big thing in common: “If I had this amount of money, I would…” Money seems to be the key element to starting a business. Is this really true? Or do people use money as an excuse not to get started?

Looking at all the big businesses that are out there gives us a different picture: none of them started with money. They started with an idea, with a vision, a dream or a passion. Was that just luck or is that something everybody can do?

Where do you actually start if you are one of those who think they need money to get a business up and running? How does it all that work in reality?

Here are four tips to jumpstarting you on the road to starting your business – with or without money:

1. Never give up – Never give in.

No matter where you are and what you do at the moment – never give up your ideas. And never give up trying to attain them.

Many people are frustrated because their businesses never seem to get started or no funding or money shows up that would finally allow them to get started. People tend to wait for the “big bang” rather than starting from where they actually are.

2. Funding of your idea.

Take your wallet and see how much money you have in there. No matter how much you have, take 10% of it and put it in a box. This box from now on is your “deposit-box of change.” Do this every day – whatever money you have in your wallet that you actually wanted to spend, take 10% every day and put it aside.

You will soon notice how much money you spend every day and you might re-consider your expenses and increase your willingness to contribute to your idea.

Every one of us has expenses that they consider as absolutely necessary. Other expenses are designed to compensate the “frustration” you suffer in your everyday life. Would you be willing to reduce your “entertainment” or your habits to bring your business to life?

Once you commit to your dream, your vision and your business, you will notice the change in your excitement and willingness to do what it takes to get it started. Putting away 10% of the actual cash you have available every day reminds you that there is something greater to achieve. No matter how small the amount is start setting this amount aside and watch your deposit grow. It will not only change your excitement; it will change your willingness to look at your future and your dreams instead of suffering from the present or the past.

3. Don’t wait – create.

Starting a business from zero also means that you will need clients or customers that are willing to pay for your service or product. Many of us function from the point of view that they need to have a perfect set-up before they start marketing themselves. A homepage, business cards, maybe an office or a room for private sessions. But is that really true? How many of you use these elements as a justification for not getting started yet? How many of you would rather wait for the “perfect moment” to start creating then right now?

Starting a business form zero does not require any of the above. It only requires you to start, no matter where you are. So, don´t wait, get out there and create something!

4. Dress well and have manners.

This maybe sounds too simple to be true but is one of the most powerful tools to start a business. A wise man once said that there is no second change for a good first impression – and the first impression is what counts. You never know when or where you meet potential clients – you may not even notice that they watch you or take notice of you.

Having manners and being a gentleman can create miracles: opening the door of a shop for a lady you don’t know; being kind to check-in agents at airports, being well dressed while taking a walk on a Sunday afternoon. No matter where you are and what you do, potential clients and business opportunities are everywhere. People do judge you and your potential by the way you look. Is that fair and ok? Maybe not, but that’s the way this world functions – so use it to your advantage. As soon as you run your multi-million business you can start changing it, but don´t be a moralist and fight against it – because that does not help you getting started.


Dr. David Kubes is an international lawyer, avid entrepreneur, consultant, coach and certified facilitator of several Access Consciousness® specialty programs, including Right Riches for You. He specializes in aviation law, finance and international project management. A savvy entrepreneur, he owns several companies and through his legal work, dealings and negotiatiions with different cultures and in different languages, Kubes has required a wide range of awareness and coaching.