Home Advice For The Young At Heart David And Goliath: How Your Startup Can Land An Enterprise Client

David And Goliath: How Your Startup Can Land An Enterprise Client


by Blake Menefee, co-founder of the Dell Center for Entrepreneurs

david and goliathIf your startup has an amazing platform, product, or software, you’re probably in the process of staking out big enterprise clients to target.

Everyone loves your product, but that’s not enough.

Too many pitches to big brands result in an executive saying she can’t be sure the startup will be around in the future. In most cases, that’s the end of the conversation, but it doesn’t have to be.

To strike a deal with a big company, you have to get its attention, find the “trigger,” and determine the best way to sell.

Step 1: Lock Down Your Value Proposition.

Let’s get back to that amazing product your company makes. Before you approach any big brand, ask yourself what problem it’s solving.

Take Flickr, for example. The website started as an online role-playing game, which included a photo-sharing tool. The game’s reception was lukewarm, but the photo-sharing tool was popular. Once the company recognized its value, it changed the product and the way it was marketed.

Before you get your product in front of people, ask, “Does this solve a problem for a target market, or am I acting on a hunch?” Who cares enough about this problem to give you money?

A good value proposition is targeted at the customer’s main decision-making drivers and communicates your value clearly and concisely. Identify the people who need this product the most, explain the value, and use this as your foundation for applying the next steps.

Step 2: Get Their Attention.

Ask yourself this question: “Who are my target’s customers?” One of the first passes in is through its customers — your target is spending a large amount of time marketing to and networking with them.

Get off your butt and get in front of these people. Ideally, you should spend 50 percent of your time at the office and 50 percent meeting and networking with the right people.

One of the most common excuses I hear is that people would rather make contact through email, but if you aren’t networking face-to-face, you’re doing it wrong.

Step 3: Find the Trigger.

Before you can make a deal, you need to understand what would motivate a brand to change. The most effective way is to find a trigger — such as new industry regulations, a change in leadership, or a merger — to fuel a company’s appetite for change.

Services like The List do this well. Through these types of programs, you can monitor companies for staff changes, get predictive insights on mergers and agency changes, and keep up-to-date on industry trends. 

Step 4: Decide How to Sell.

Once you’ve identified the trigger to activate a brand’s desire for your product, you need a sales strategy. Will you sell through its customers or sell to the key people who influence your decision maker?

If users are your best champions, selling through them is a solid move. I’ve seen situations where a proof of concept filled such a huge void that when it was taken away, all hell broke loose. Selling through can take more time and work, but you’ll prove this product is important to your target’s customers.

In other cases, someone who influences your target could be a better way in. This could be anyone in this person’s sphere, from a co-worker to a friend. Your target trusts this person’s insight and values her opinion above others’.

6 Startup Mistakes to Avoid.

When progressing toward the action stage, you need to instill confidence in the company. The period between desire and action is what I call the “chasm of death” for enterprise deals, but it doesn’t have to be if you avoid these blunders.

1. You look/act small. Act like a Fortune 500 company, regardless of size or culture. Be polished, crisp, and prepared for questions.

2. Take personal ownership. The Escape Pod, a creative agency, signed OfficeMax as an early client. Founder Norm Bilow managed the strategy personally, demonstrating his commitment.

3. Demonstrate your ability to scale. If you can’t, find a partner to help develop the proof of concept.

4. Have references. Ask your largest clients to be references; ideally, ensure they’re willing to do this up front.

5. Get your finances in order. Have your current books ready, as well as two- to five-year projections.

6. Be persistent. Large companies have very long sales cycles. If you can’t strike a deal immediately, get your foot in the door with a smaller pact, and continue negotiating.

Making an enterprise deal is tough, but if your startup offers real value and something the brand needs, you can play ball with the big guys. It’s a different sales approach, but you have to be smart, professional, and — above all — persistent.


Blake MenefeeBlake Menefee is a co-founder of the Dell Center for Entrepreneurs. He brings 15 years of emerging technologies and marketing experience to the program. Blake comes from a long line of entrepreneurs and, prior to Dell, he had a nonprofit startup and was the founder of a talent agency. Connect with Blake on LinkedIn




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