Home Others InventHelp Inventions Are Everywhere And The Reviews Are Phenomenal

InventHelp Inventions Are Everywhere And The Reviews Are Phenomenal



You may have one or more ideas about how to make life easier or how to improve upon an already existing technology. Yet, you may have found that moving forward with that idea takes more than wishful thinking. Many entrepreneurs have used InventHelp to turn their imagined opportunities into real businesses.

InventHelp allows you to discover and nurture the entrepreneur inside you. With the comprehensive package provided by this company, entrepreneurs around the world have turned ideas into reality. There is no need to submit your dreams to panels of business executives or make multiple showings at trade shows. Nor is it necessary to acquire, independently, the massive amounts of funding you may need to get your idea off the ground.

Here are some of the great ideas that were all InventHelp Inventions:

Perfect Hanger.

Hangers shouldn’t be complicated. The inventor of Perfect Hanger decided that you should only need one type of hanger for any clothing item. This invention adjusts to support any type of garment properly. Strong enough to hang a heavy jacket or coat, it also conforms to any article of clothing so it is never necessary to iron out creases.

Swing Master.

Whether you are just learning how to play baseball or are trying to improve your game, the Swing Master can help you become a master at America’s oldest pastime. Worn around the waist much like a belt, the Swing Master helps support your body in the proper position to exploit the strike zone. It also trains your muscles so they will remember proper posture, even when the belt is no longer being worn.

Perfect Pan.

The inventor of Perfect Pan wanted cheesecake to be easier to make. The need for a second pan was perhaps the most frustrating part of this delicious recipe. This invention eliminates the need for that second pan. Perfect Pan bakes the cheesecake evenly using a small quantity of water on the bottom. This is just one example of InventHelp assisting a retired person to start turning great ideas into useful applications.

Mini Firefighter.

Even with all our technological progress, fire is still a significant danger for our modern homes. Smaller than a typical fire extinguisher, and easier to store in critical parts of the home, a Mini Firefighter combined with a smart carbon monoxide detector is ideal for houses that do not have adequate space for larger extinguishers. Only the size of a can of hairspray, this device sprays a flame-retardant foam that expands in size after you release it, suppressing fire effectively.

InventHelp has been assisting inventors since 1984. The INPEX show is the company’s world renown program bringing together aspiring inventors and funding sources from across the globe. Many of the attendees at these shows are people just like you, with a simple dream and a desire to show others how to improve their lives with great ideas.

With stellar reviews from customers posted online on their Facebook Page and 4.7 stars out of five with Glassdoor.com, InventHelp has consistently demonstrated that it can truly support the dreams of it clients.


  1. I actually stumbled into this post, but I’m glad I did. This is indeed a great opportunity for aspiring inventors. Please what are the procedures to get in touch with InventHelp or what is their phone number?

  2. […] There are also competition realities to take into consideration. My uncle was an inventor and also the abbreviated story using one of his invention is this: He was told purchase a buyer that what was needed was actually a particular device who had particular functionalities. My uncle set out to generate just this kind of device, that he successfully did. He filed a patent application and after that went straight back to the purchaser for his big success. Unfortunately, meanwhile there seemed to be a paradigm shift and although he developed just what they wanted months earlier, for the time being someone developed another generation device, which made his InventHelp Review. […]

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