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Emergent Research

  • EMERGENT RESEARCH is focused on better understanding the small business sector of the US and global economy.

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  • The authors are Steve King and Carolyn Ockels. Steve and Carolyn are partners at Emergent Research and Senior Fellows at the Society for New Communications Research. Carolyn is leading the coworking study and Steve is a member of the project team.

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  • Emergent Research works with corporate, government and non-profit clients. When we reference organizations that have provided us funding in the last year we will note it. If we mention a product or service that we received for free or other considerations, we will note it.
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April 07, 2008


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Atlanta Search Engine Optimization

Excellant post.
I agree with your comment when you said:

"Simply put, it provides me with substantial financial upside with limited risk."

On a smaller scale model here is an idea for those of us who are intrigued by this model but are afraid of working with start ups.

What about working with smaller business that are established already but have little or no marketing plan & taking a percentage of profits on sales generated thru your efforts?

I have done this for no fees up front and get paid in equity on all resulting business. I like this partnership model as it creates a win- win relationship for all.


Good point. My post looks at this from the consultant/employee point of view. Employers have to fully think this through also. In particular, it can get messy having a lot of little shareholders.


Post Work

Have not met anyone I wanted to hire who was willing to work for equity. Yet. Cash is king and it's a developer's market out there right now...

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