Home Resources The 50 Best Blogs By Business Professors

The 50 Best Blogs By Business Professors


If you’re in an MBA program, you probably already have access to the advice and guidance of some really great business professors. Yet when it comes to getting the best business education possible, there’s no such thing as reading too much or connecting with too many professors and professionals in the field. That’s why the web can be such an amazing tool in your path to an MBA.

There are dozens of blogs written by MBA professors that can let you see into their professional lives, get commentary on the latest news, and even find advice for starting a career in business. We’ve listed just a few of the best here to get you started:

General Business

These blogs touch on a wide range of business issues, from mergers and acquisitions to executive training.

  1. Yoko Ishikura.Follow professor Yoko Ishikura from KEIO University as she travels around the world, talks business, and makes it all look easy.
  2. Deal Professor. Fascinated by mergers and acquisitions, deal-making, and negotiations? Then head to this blog, full of the latest business news and commentary from professor Steven Davidoff.
  3. Supply Chain View from the Field. Few people can offer more expertise in the world of supply chain management than this professor, who not only teaches the subject but also edits the journal on the matter, and also heads up the Supply Chain Resource Cooperative.
  4. Division of Labour. With more than a dozen academic contributors, this blog covers a wide range of business and economic topics, often highlighting some particularly interesting tidbits of news.
  5. Ed Batista. Executive, change management, and leadership coach at Stanford, Ed Batista has plenty of motivation and advice to share for the aspiring executive.
  6. Andrew Hargadon. Author, chair in entrepreneurship, and Professor of Technology Management at the Graduate School of Management at University of California Andrew Hargadon shares some really great posts on entrepreneurship and business on this blog.
  7. Business Exposed. Professor Freek Vermeulen at the London Business School uses this blog to expose the real, often uncouth business world that lies just below the surface.
  8. Professor Michael Czinkota. Touching on international business, marketing, and strategy, this blog shares excellent commentary on the latest in business news.
  9. The Business Ethics Blog. Dr. Chris McDonald examines some key issues related to business ethics, or lack of them as the case may be, on this blog.
  10. Code Red. Healthcare is big business these days and you can learn more about it, the good, the bad, and the ugly, from Professor David Dranove.
  11. Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science. Andrew Gelman, Bob Carpenter, Aleks Jakulin, and Phillip Price co-author this blog that takes a statistical look at just about everything, including business.
  12. The Conglomerate. Here you’ll find business, economics, and law professors addressing key business issues and news.
  13. Zeynep Ton’s Blog. Ranked as one of the best business professors under 30, Ton’s blog offers great reads on a wide range of business-related topics.
  14. Teresa Amabile. Head to this blog (or the Harvard Business Review’s blog) to read posts from Teresa Amabile on the psychology of everyday work life.


Head to these blogs to read more about the essential legal aspects of all kinds of business.

  1. M & A Law Prof Blog. Learn more about the legal aspects of mergers and acquisitions from a collective of business law professors.
  2. Securities Law Prof Blog. There are whole hosts of complicated legal issues that surround securities. You can learn a bit more about them by reading this excellent business law blog from professor Barbara Black.
  3. Workplace Prof Blog. Use this blog, written by a group of business law professors, to learn more about legal matters that will concern you as an entrepreneur or a business leader.
  4. Truth on the Market. On this blog, a group of law professors and economists share their knowledge about business law, covering issues like antitrust laws, industrial organization, and corporate governance.
  5. The Race to the Bottom. Students, professionals, and professors work together to pen this blog, documenting some of the changes they feel need to be made in regulating and monitoring corporations in the U.S.
  6. Professor Bainbridge.com. Law, politics, and culture are blended together on this UCLA law professor’s blog.

Finance and Economics

Here you’ll find a great collection of blogs from professors that focus on economics and business.

  1. Economist’s View.Professor Mark Thoma at the University of Oregon shares some of his thoughts on issues like banks, the economic crisis, government budgets, and more.
  2. The Summa. Can’t get enough of accounting? Then head over to this blog for some great reading on all things financial from David Albrecht, a professor at the University of South Carolina-Upstate.
  3. Greg Mankiw’s Blog. If you have an interest in economics you should make sure to read this Harvard professor’s blog, which is geared toward students.
  4. Brad DeLong. Professor Brad DeLong, an economist at Berkeley, posts amazing analyses of the current markets and financial health of leading world economies on this blog.
  5. Carpe Diem. Touching on both economics and finance, Professor Mark J. Perry examines important issues like energy, spending cuts, real estate, and much more on his blog.
  6. Prof. Jayanth R. Varma’s Financial Markets Blog. Keep up with the financial markets and get some great insights into them at the same time when you follow Professor Varma’s blog.
  7. Cheap Talk. Professors Jeff Ely and Sandeep Baliga share their thoughts on economics and politics on this blog.
  8. Everything Finance. Professors from the Kellogg School of Management’s finance department contribute to this blog, which shares some great commentary on a number of current economic issues.
  9. The Becker-Posner Blog. Professor Gary Becker and U.S. Circuit Court Judge and U of Chicago Law School professor Richard Posner collaborate on this blog that addresses a wide range of economic, political, and business issues.
  10. Organizations and Markets. Here you’ll find a number of professors and academics talking about the intersection of business and economics. Topics range from strategic management to innovation to the history of science.


These professors share some excellent insights into marketing, branding, and reputation management.

  1. MarketingProfs Daily Fix. Visit MarketingProfs to hear not only from professors and academics in marketing, but also from professionals and consultants in the field.
  2. Cyberpop!. Learn more about the ins and outs of marketing using the web and other digital technologies from professor Sidneyeve Matrix.
  3. Life is a Sandbox. This blog belongs to Elaine Young, a professor of marketing, who shares her professional experiences, advice on social media, and obsession with cats.
  4. Awaken Your Superhero. Author of “Marketing White Belt” Christopher S. Penn offers up amazing content on this blog for anyone hoping to learn more about marketing, business, and the digital world.
  5. Building Strong Brands. Get a crash course in building a better brand from Northwestern professor Tim Calkins when you read this blog.
  6. Reputation Rules. Based on a book of the same name by Professor Daniel Diermeier, this blog touches on issues of reputation management, especially how corporations can successfully navigate a major crisis.
  7. Dr. Neil Hair.Dr. Hair is a professor of marketing at Saunders College of Business, and through his blog he shares professional opportunities for students and his own insights in to the world of marketing.
  8. Brandthroposophy.Learn more about how to use social media in your marketing strategy with a little help from this blog written by Professor Robert Kozinets.


Looking for some advice on how to be a better leader and manager? These professor-written blogs might be just the thing you’re looking for.

  1. Professor Michael Roberto. A professor of management at Bryant University, Michael Roberto shares lessons on entrepreneurship, leadership, and of course, management through this blog.
  2. Work Matters. Bob Sutton offers guidance on surviving office life on this blog, apt whether you’re the boss or still working your way up the ladder.
  3. Robert Salomon’s Blog. Read about issues as diverse as business strategy, technology, and economics on this blog from management professor Robert Salomon.
  4. Managerial Econ. Explore the relationship between management and economics on this blog written by professors Luke Froeb and Brian McCann, who literally wrote the book on managerial economics.
  5. Bill George. Harvard Business School professor Bill George comments on the latest business news here, with a special focus on management and leadership, his area of expertise.
  6. The Operations Room. Check out this blog to learn more about operations management, with a special focus on new strategic and tactical developments making waves in the field right now.
  7. Organizational Behavior and Global Management.Here, Professor Ramon Henson posts about global business, focusing on the special challenges global managers face.
  8. Authentic Organizations.For any MBA student hoping to be an effective manager or entrepreneur, there’s this blog by former Professor CV Harquail.
  9. orgtheory.net. Check out this multi-author blog to gain a better understanding of organizational theory, a fundamental facet of management all MBA students should explore.


The modern business simply can’t operate without technology. These professors address a number of key issues that arise from the intersection of business and technology.

  1. Open IT Strategies. Professor Joel West teaches management and leadership, but his blog is about much more than that, focusing on using open IT strategies to build a better business.
  2. Gallaugher.com. John Gallaugher is a professor at the Carroll School of Management, but this blog offers much more than management advice. In fact, the bulk of the posts are related to tech and how it plays into business strategy, something any budding business major needs to learn more about.
  3. Andrew McAfee’s Blog.Head to Professor Andrew McAfee’s blog to learn more about the business impact of IT, something that this academic is an expert on, having co-written a book called Race Against the Machine.


This article was first posted in Online MBA.