Home Events & Happenings Startup Open 2011 Starts… Opens… Launches!

[Competition] Startup Open 2011 Starts… Opens… Launches!


Startup Open, has launched its search for the 50 most promising new companies with high growth potential around the world. A featured event of Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) – founded by the Kauffman Foundation to spur new ideas, ingenuity and firm creation through through local, national and global activities in more than 100 countries – Startup Open invites any and every entrepreneur who have a “startup moment” to enter and compete to become one of the “GEW 50”. A startup moment is defined as any action related to launching a new business, such as incorporating a company; officially opening the doors for business; completing a first sale; or securing outside funding. Announced on October 15, the “GEW 50” will then compete for the top honors, to be awarded during Global Entrepreneurship Week. Applicants will be judged on concept, growth projections and knowledge of their industry.

“Economic growth and job creation is directly tied to young businesses with the potential to become part of tomorrow’s Fortune 500, so recognizing and rewarding those most promising startups on the path to success may inspire others to follow their examples,” says Carl Schramm, president and CEO of the Kauffman Foundation.

Last Year’s Winner Gallivants With Branson

The grand prize winner of last year’s Startup Open, Resolute Marine Energy‘s founder Olivier Ceberio won a trip to Richard Branson’s privately-owned Necker Island in the British Virgin Islands. Ceberio took part in multiple networking sessions with Branson and other successful entrepreneurs, and even competed in a sailboat race with Branson and a trip around the island in the “Necker Belle” catamaran. Ceberio won the top prize at GEW 2010 for his plan to develop wave energy converters that generate clean energy from ocean waves, with the goal of aiding the 1.2 billion people worldwide who lack access to safe drinking water. “During my stay at Necker Island, I had the opportunity to learn from and exchange ideas with some of the brightest and most inspiring entrepreneurs in the world,” said Ceberio. “I am very grateful to the Kauffman Foundation for providing me with this invaluable experience that will help expand my network as I improve and grow my business.”

Startup Open applicants will have until Sept. 15 to submit their startup moment. For more information on how to enter and the 2010 winners, visit www.startupopen.com.