Home Others Top 7 Reasons Why You Should Think About Quitting Your Job

Top 7 Reasons Why You Should Think About Quitting Your Job


It’s so simple to find yourself stuck in the job that doesn’t make you feel comfortable or where you aren’t appreciated. The longer you’re employed, the more difficult it seems to quit. However, you should understand that you don’t live up to your true potential and it’s time to move on.

When to quit your job? Think about taking this step if you:

  • Believe that you aren’t valued;
  • Feel that your career suffers;
  • Don’t feel comfortable;
  • Stopped liking your job.

Analyze all circumstances before making a final decision.

Do you often think about quitting your job, but you aren’t sure that it’s the right decision? Before taking this important step, you must be sure that you really want to do that because you won’t get your job back later. It also makes sense to ensure you have a good and updated resume before quitting. If you are a busy person you can always rely on the help of professional services like Resume Chief and Resume CV Writer. Be polite about quitting and avoid burning all bridges.

If you simply hate your work, it’s not the best reason to quit unless you have other job propositions. There should be specific circumstances beyond your control or other warning signs that it’s time to leave. According to The Balance Careers it’s a good idea to keep a journal of the things you like and dislike at your work. Figuring out what exactly doesn’t work for you will help you spot a better fitting job next time.

When to look for a new job.

There are many reasons why you should quit your job other than just hating your work, including:

  • It has lost its excitement and energy;
  • You have to sacrifice your health;
  • Your work culture is toxic;
  • You hate the very idea of going to work;
  • There’s clear instability;
  • Your gut feeling keeps telling you it’s time to go;
  • It doesn’t challenge you.

1. Your job has lost its excitement and energy.

The more enjoyable your work, the better your performance. If you have no sense of excitement and energy for it and you don’t find it engaging, it’s a warning sign that you aren’t in the right place. Reassess your career goals and go in a different direction if something else keeps calling to you.

2. You must sacrifice your health.

Company structure and workplace expectations matter a lot. If your job requires you to sacrifice your health, consider an exit strategy. First, you may not think it’s a big deal, but you’ll have to face harsh consequences over time. Once you start noticing the negative effects on your health, it can be too late. There’s no job worth it.

3. Your work culture is toxic.

It can be toxic because of negative colleagues, verbally abusive employers, and other circumstances. The longer you stay, the more your job will affect you. For example, you may lose the following:

  • Your energy to produce high-quality work;
  • Motivation to achieve success;
  • Enjoyment from doing your job.

4. You just hate going to work.

If you dread to wake up in the morning only because you must go to work, it’s probably time to get a new job. If you absolutely hate the very idea of doing that, it’s quite an obvious sign that quit your current job. However, “if you are still at an entry-level job and trying to make a good impression, you might want to stick around at work and there are plenty of tricks to distract yourself from hating your job” – says Marge Holden, a Senior HR Manager at Essay Dragon.

5. There’s clear instability.

Instability may not be a good reason to quit, but it’s a clear sign to keep your options open. Consider it as your opportunity for promotion and improvement. However, some promotions are empty and granted because of cutbacks. If your company keeps laying off employees, it’s in a downward spiral and you need to have your exit plan.

6. Your gut feeling keeps telling you it’s time to quit.

Sometimes, your decision to leave is not about professional goals, work culture, or company stability because it’s more intangible. You may feel that you aren’t where you should be. Hearing this inner voice telling you to quit your job is the worst for the people involved in the creative industry. “If you are involved in a creative job like a designer, photographer or even creative writer, not feeling it for the job might play a bad trick on you” states Adam Wilkins, a Creative Director of Nerdy Mates platform. It often takes quite a long time to get clear about what people are really meant to do. It’s impossible to ignore this feeling once it hits. Focus on what’s going on in your mind and listen to your gut feeling.

7. You aren’t challenged at work.

If you’re interested in developing your professional skill set and challenging yourself, it’s time to quit if your current job no longer challenges you. Everything depends on the potential for advancement and how it makes you better every day. Otherwise, you risk ending up with a lack of meaning or a feeling of relative emptiness. If the company doesn’t invest in you, it’s a sign that you should think about quitting.

What to consider when you decide to leave.

Once you make a final decision to quit your job, do that as gracefully and smoothly as you can. You need to write an impressive resignation letter. In most cases, employees give a 2-week notice or they’re unable and unwilling to provide it. Remember that you may not be eligible for your unemployment compensation or benefits if you quit a job without a good reason. Finally, be prepared for job searches and interviews to get hired fast.