Home Events & Happenings GIST Tech-I Competition

[Competition] GIST Tech-I Competition


Looking to launch or grow your startup? If you’re an entrepreneur with a startup based in Africa, Asia, the Middle East or Turkey, check out the the Global Innovation through Science and Technology (GIST) Initiative’s GIST Tech-I Competition as part of its vision to help build entrepreneurial ecosystems across those continents by identifying, coaching, and funding the most promising technology entrepreneurs.

In its third year, the competition seeks to help entrepreneurs launch their ideas or grow their businesses in such emerging economies through seed funding, training, networking and by providing mentoring from the best entrepreneurs in the world, angel investors, and venture capitalists.

Entrepreneurs and startups must submit a Go-To-Market Plan consisting of an executive summary directed to investors, and a two-minute promotional video of the product or service created for customers. This year applications will be considered within two tracks: idea and startup stage. Ninety quarterfinalists, will be selected by experts within the entrepreneurship ecosystem, and their videos will be posted online for public voting.

Following the online public voting, thirty semifinalists will be invited to the workshop, pitch session, and awards ceremony in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in October 2013. Competition winners will receive grants ranging from $2,000 to $15,000, in addition to mentorship, networking and increased visibility.

Register for the GIST Tech-I Competition here.