The Government’s Amazing International Business Dating Service

Austin Startups
Published in
3 min readJan 18, 2018


Did you know that the government was in the dating industry? I mean, technically it is a “business matchmaking service,” but let’s be serious, the government is hooking businesses up internationally, and it is pretty amazing.

With the expansion of globalization, the US has developed a pretty significant trade gap (deficit). What this means is that we are importing more than we are exporting, and while that may lead to lower prices at home, this is not an ideal place to be. That is where the Foreign Commercial Service at the US Department of Commerce (FCS) and their Gold Key Service come in.

What is it? Can the government seriously help me?

The FCS is a government entity made for the purpose of helping US companies grow overseas, thus increasing the amount of US exports. If you want a good summary about more of the stuff they do, check out this article.

One of their many services is the Gold Key Service, which even the US Census blog has referred to as “The of Exporting.” But what does this actually mean?

The Gold Key business matchmaking service helps US businesses identify, vet, and arrange meetings with interested partners when traveling to an overseas market.

Why is this so amazing? Is this a dating service or not?

To say Gold Key service “helps” businesses is an understatement. They do practically everything for them; they get businesses appointments with not one, not two, but up to five potential overseas agents, distributors, sales reps, business partners, and other local entities. While this technically is not a dating service, these appointments are basically the equivalent of businesses going on a date.

Even more, this buyer-finding process is customized to each business. On top of this, they also provide orientation briefings, market research, travel and logistics assistance, interpreter services, counseling on shipping goods, and export financing.

All you have to do is pay a little, but it is totally worth it, especially after considering all the resources that the US government has that you or any other consultant do not. Just think about it, the FCS wants you to succeed and get a deal because that is their whole purpose, so you know they are really going to care and make sure you get a deal!

How do I get my company hooked up?

There are a few restrictions and fees, but nothing unreasonable.

  1. You must be an export-ready US company, US origin or have 51% US content, seeking to export goods or services. (This one is kinda a no brainer.)
  2. Fee: $950 for small companies, $2,300 for medium, $3,400 for large. (Not bad at all)
  3. Additional Meeting Fee (> 5) : $350, $1,000 and $1,200 respectively (Only fair)
  4. Translation, transportation, contractors, catering and venue rental at additional costs.

Like Glenn Schlossberg, Founder of Jump Design Group and avid Gold Key Customer, said, “For a small fee, you get a big entree into retailers across different countries.”

So what are you waiting for? If you want to take advantage of this service all you have to do is contact your local U.S. Commercial Service office and go from there.

By David Contreras.

David is currently studying at The University of Texas at Austin and is passionate about music & art and value social justice, leadership, and enabling change.

