Home Others 13 Sites You Love Built With Ruby On Rails

13 Sites You Love Built With Ruby On Rails


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If you are reading this, you are probably into Ruby and obviously heard of Ruby on Rails – a useful and super popular web application framework. However, you might not be aware that some of your favorite sites are built on Rails! These services cover various spheres including entertainment, gaming, education, jobs, and much more.

With the help of our friends from Rails Ware Web Development Company, we have gathered 13 famous sites built with Ruby on Rails framework:


Probably, the best-known photography community ever. As for 2015, the number of its users reached the 6 million point. The creators claim their service is created for connecting talented people, finding inspiration, and just observe magnificent pieces of art.


The website is devoted to listing, finding, and renting lodging. Airbnb is greatly appreciated by frequent travelers who hate spending a fortune to accommodate in hotels with doubtful services.


Latvia-based, this service has all chances to overcome Formspring’s popularity. This is a social network for asking and answering sent question – both from anonymous and identified users.


This is a useful web-based tool for project management. Its simple design and effective services make Basecamp exceedingly helpful. Moreover, talking about Rails, this framework was actually extracted from the Basecamp project!


The company provides business management services in various spheres. Their website provides stock market information, business news, useful article – and it all looks just perfect, thanks to Rails.


Traveling can be cheap. Your best helper is CouchSurfing – a social networking and hospitality exchange website. People from all over the world provide travelers with safe places to stay.


The connection between Rails and art is undeniable! This is an online community intended to share hand-made pieces of art, including graphic and web design, photography, paintings, and many others.


This one is an extremely important website that offers tasks for freelancers and helps you find a professional for a single performance. One cannot overestimate the importance of a marketplace like Fiverr.


Used mostly for code, this repository hosting service also offers all source code management and distributed revision control functionality.


This ad-supported streaming service provides its users with movies, clips, TV shows and other streaming media.


Crowdfunding is a thing in the modern world. Indiegogo gives an opportunity to raise funds and make your dreams come true. All you need is a unique and relevant idea!


Talking about crowdfunding, we could not possibly omit this famous service. If you are a young entrepreneur or have an interesting idea or plan – you can enliven them using Kickstarter.


Sometimes, people truly need to be pushed towards convenient activities and purchases. This e-commerce global marketplace knows how to do it!


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  2. I believe we first need to figure out what do you mean under “beautiful”. In case we mean a beautiful UI design, then I’d name Hulu; it’s extensive use of movie artworks makes it look stunning. In case we’re talking about the perfectly thought-through UX design, I like AirBnb. But they’ve been facelifting and improving it for years, so no wonder it’s both web and mobile versions are so easy-to-use and smooth.

    By the way, we also have posted top ten popular sites made in Ruby on Rails https://rubygarage.org/blog/most-popular-websites-built-with-ruby-on-rails-part-three and just in case you’re looking for a team able to do a Ruby on Rails application, our RubyGarage team is at your service.

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