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Female Start-Ups Changing the World in 2020

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Female leaders make a strong mark wherever they are whether it’s as female leaders in New Zealand and Finland or like current US Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. In the world of entrepreneurship, women especially make their mark as innovative thinkers and in their ability to conceptualise groundbreaking solutions to dynamic problems. Many venture capitalists are finally starting to pay attention to what one VC Jennifer Neundorfer very fairly describes as, “An underlooked asset class that is overperforming.” With their considerable vision driving their businesses and organisations forward, the ‘pink-winged stampede’ is gaining traction year on year with many of these start-ups already becoming household names.

A major indicator of the mark of these female-led start-ups is seen in their growth trajectory. Over the last five years, this has amassed considerable velocity with an unprecedented number being valued at well over a billion USD. In 2019, 21 female-led start-ups achieved this ‘unicorn’ status in a positive continuation of this anticipated growth and progression towards market equity in the start-up space. The macro impact of this is particularly exciting with the broad and revolutionary ways that start-ups — especially those that are female-led — are rewriting industries. Katica Roy describes this saying, “Startups generate jobs, boost productivity, create new markets, and develop technology that large enterprises depend on.”

In light of economic patterns, there is another fundamentally important reason to be hopeful for the progressive and inclusive impact of female-led start-ups. Recent data for the social change values of women shows that 50% of female professionals say they want their work to make meaningful contributions in the space (versus 31% of male). Considering global conversations focused on intentional inclusivity and representation in workplaces and communities, the fact that women-owned companies deliver more than twice as much per dollar invested can truly make a difference in meaningful ways.

This infographic from Trainwest showcases some of the many influential Female Start-Ups Changing The World In 2020. Read on to learn more about their revolutionary achievements in business, communities, tech, fashion, health, and much more.

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