FIT Launches Bachelor in Entrepreneurship for Fashion & Design

The Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC has developed an entrepreneurship major for its students. From FIT’s press release:

In response to industry demand for individuals with entrepreneurial skills, the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) has established a new two-year, upper-division Bachelor of Science degree program in Entrepreneurship for the Fashion and Design Industries. Starting in fall 2011, the program, which is the first of its kind in the New York City area, is designed to enable both business and design students to acquire and develop the strong skills and sophistication necessary for organizing and launching new ventures in today’s global fashion business environments.

“The Entrepreneurship degree program includes courses that enable students to understand the essential connection between inspired design and successful enterprise,” said Frank Koe, acting dean of the Jay and Patty Baker School of Business and Technology at FIT. “In addition, FIT’s prime New York City location, faculty of industry leaders, and tuition value as a public college make it the ideal setting for this new program.”

via Fashion Institute of Technology – FIT Launches Bachelor of Science Degree in Entrepreneurship for the Fashion and Design Industries.

One thought on “FIT Launches Bachelor in Entrepreneurship for Fashion & Design

  1. This is an excellent idea. Students who are wanting to start their own fashion design business no longer have to take a business management course at some other school as well.. It is all taken care of in the one school. I think it is about time. Brilliant

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