Home Thinking Aloud Modern Startups: How To Grow A Green Business From The Get Go

Modern Startups: How To Grow A Green Business From The Get Go


by Scott Byrom, head of commercial for domestic energy at UKPower.co.uk 

green business

It’s not easy task to launch a new business in 2015. Modern startups have to follow a whole new set of rules that entrepreneurs even a decade ago did not need to worry about. Amidst rising fuel prices and concern about the impact of human activity on the environment, the UK government has enacted strict regulations on future carbon emissions in the country. If you’re environmentally conscious and hoping to launch a green startup, you have the right mindset to succeed in the 21st century.

However, there are always tips and helpful directions that you could use to assist you in your quest to launch the country’s next green business venture. Here are some actions you can take to set your green startup on the path to success:

Buy Green.

Whether you are looking for office furniture or IT equipment, it is almost always possible to buy green products. When it comes to office furniture, consider buying pre-owned or refurbished furniture. You’ll save startup costs compared to buying brand-new furniture, and you’ll save that furniture from taking up space in a landfill.

Changing company policies on consumables can help save money and the environment as well. When purchasing supplies such as paper, you should consider looking for recycled paper. It uses 90% less water during production and requires 50% less energy than new paper.

Save Energy.

The UK’s Carbon Trust estimates that the average company can save around £6,000 annually by turning equipment off over the weekend and during bank holidays. Turning off photocopiers overnight can save enough energy to make 5,000 copies. Lights in your office contribute to 15% of the average electrical bill. You will not only enjoy savings from turning them off, but also from investing in energy-efficient bulbs. These bulbs use up to 80% less power and last 10 times longer, saving your business money now and in the future. You should also use a commerical energy comparison service to ensure that you are paying as little as possible for each unit of electricity your business does use.

Follow the 3 R’s.

Whenever possible, your business should Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. As mentioned, reducing the amount of energy consumption on weekends and holidays can save on electrical billing costs. Reusing items such as pens and copier cartridges saves you money, reduces fossil fuel consumption (compared to purchasing new all the time), and eliminates the amount of products that end up in landfills. Recycling paper, plastic, and aluminum around the office is another good way to launch a green startup.

Encourage your employs to use duplex printing (back-to-back prints) in all print projects, recycle unnecessary paper print outs, and make sure recycling bins are accessible throughout the office to make it easy for employees to toss soda bottles and cans in the recycling rather than the refuse bin.

Understand the Green Market.

Most importantly, if you are going to launch a green startup, you should understand the ins and outs of the green marketplace. Your established competitors are already comfortable operating within the restraints of the market, and you should be too. Business Wales offers helpful insight into the market to help you get started. You’ll find plenty of information about supply, demand, and quality of water, greenhouse gas emissions, and the supply and demand of oil and natural gas.


Scott ByromScott Byrom is the head of commercial for domestic energy at UKPower.co.uk and has more that seven years experience working in the UK’s energy sector where he holds strong working relationships throughout the industry. You might have seen Scott appear on Sky news or the BBC to provide commentary on energy issues. He enjoys helping people save money and reduce their gas & electricity bills wherever possible. Keep up with Scott’s latest tweets.