Product Management

What is Product Manager Salary in India 2022

It is difficult to provide an accurate and up-to-date estimate of the salary of a product manager in India, as the salary for this role can vary based on factors such as the industry, the size of the company, the level of experience, and the location.

Watch this video to get industry / company wise overview of Product Manager Salaries in India:

According to data from Glassdoor, the average salary for a product manager in India is INR 1,064,814 per year, or INR 88,734 per month. This data is based on salary reports submitted by product managers in India, and may not be representative of the entire market.

The salary of a product manager in India can also vary based on the industry. For example, product managers in the tech industry may earn higher salaries than those in other industries, due to the high demand for product management skills in this sector.

Additionally, the salary of a product manager in India may be higher in major cities, such as Mumbai and Bangalore, compared to smaller cities or rural areas. This is due to the higher cost of living and the higher demand for product management skills in these cities.

Overall, the salary of a product manager in India can vary depending on a number of factors, and it is difficult to provide a definitive estimate. It is important to research the specific industry, location, and company when considering a product manager salary in India.

In addition to the factors mentioned above, the salary of a product manager in India can also vary based on the level of experience. Entry-level product managers may earn lower salaries compared to senior or experienced product managers, who may have a deeper understanding of the product development process and a broader range of skills and expertise.

Additionally, the salary of a product manager in India may be influenced by the size of the company. Large companies with well-established product management teams may offer higher salaries to attract top talent, while smaller companies may have more limited budgets for product management roles.

In conclusion, the salary of a product manager in India can vary based on a range of factors, including the industry, location, level of experience, and size of the company. It is important to research these factors carefully when considering a product manager salary in India.