slide-16-638-2Texas had 11 percent of all angel group deals in the second quarter of this year, according to the latest Halo Report.
The deals, with a median investment round of $590,000, had pre-money valuations of $2.5 million. And 74 percent of the deals were syndicated.
“When angels co-invest with other types of investors the media deal size is $1.95 million,” according to the report, compiled by Silicon Valley Bank and its partners the Angel Resource Institute and CB Insights.
The Central Texas Angel Network was the most active angel investment group nationwide. The report doesn’t go into detail about the number of deals or dollars invested by CTAN.
Seventy percent of angel group deals in the second quarter were completed outside California and New England, although 36 percent of dollars are invested in these regions,. California led in number of deals, with 17 percent share of angel group investments.
The bulk of the deals focused on Internet, healthcare and mobile companies receiving 71 percent of the investment deals and 79 percent of the dollars, an increase from the first quarter.