Home Professionalisms 7 Tips To Follow When Hiring Start-Up Employees

7 Tips To Follow When Hiring Start-Up Employees


by Nicole Davies, online content executive at ShortCourseFinder.com.au

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One bad employee in a big company will probably not influence the well-designed mechanism in any way, but in a small start-up this effect can be devastating. For this reason it is of utmost importance to choose candidates wisely, check their background, qualifications and select only those who meet your requirements.

With hundreds of CV’s received in response to a job offer, one can really get lost in this confusing pile of buzzwords, corporate speak and endless achievements.

Searching for the right employee can be as difficult as finding the perfect partner. There are, however, some useful tips to follow when hiring staff members:

1. Social media review.

Nowadays almost everybody has a social media profile on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram or Pinterest. Those are usually good indicators of how candidates interact with others, how they react to problems, praise and criticism. However, recruiters have to keep in mind that, in many cases, people use social network in a totally different way than they would behave in the workplace. In fact, they can do it consciously, as business and private life should be kept separate. Nevertheless, some basic behavioural patterns can be learnt by analysing their profiles.

2. Go with your intuition.

After a few minutes of an interview, or sometimes even after a few seconds, you can get a sense of what type of candidate you’re interviewing. By asking the right questions and drawing conclusions from both verbal responses and body language, it is quite easy to form an opinion on whether an interviewee will be able to fit into the company. Think about the type of employees you already have, and the work environment. If you can’t picture the interviewee in this image, then you probably have your answer.

3. Reference check.

When candidates send references along with their application documents, usually they focus only on the best ones – which is of course fully understandable. It is a good idea to elaborate on the brief lines provided by the interviewees, for example by calling and talking directly to their former supervisors and managers, as well as contacting those whose details were not included. This will give you a well-rounded overview of the employee.

4. Employment is not a marriage.

Hiring staff doesn’t have to be a lifelong commitment. While it’s natural to make mistakes – at any level – if an employee is not contributing to the company, don’t feel like you’re obliged to keep them on. Just like the stock market, the basic rule is to cut losses and maximise gains. Problematic, challenging employees should be let go as soon as possible, as their further presence in the workplace can lead to more serious problems.

5. Forward planning.

It can be difficult to choose between experience and enthusiasm – a mature worker and an entry-level candidate. Many employers make the mistake of only looking at past results to determine a candidate’s fit. Moreover, there are many prospective workers without much experience, who can also benefit the start-up. They also have the advantage of not demanding extremely high salaries. Recruiters should try to see potential gains not only through past success, but also by carefully studying a person’s determination, motivation, intelligence, knowledge and drive for success.

6. Paperwork is important.

Often entrepreneurs put off paperwork for a long time, which results in working without a contract. This directly transfers into a lack of legal protection on both sides – for the employee and the employer. Another vital aspect of keeping accurate and on-time written agreements is the possibility of a governmental control. If this should happen, employers who hire people without valid contracts face large fines vastly exceeding the value of time spent on filling employment documents.

7. Slow introduction.

Even the most easy-going people can find it hard to find their feet in a new workplace. It is advisable to organize a welcome meeting or session, which will allow the newly hired employee the chance to meet colleagues and establish first acquaintances. Employers should also give a prolonged time period for the new staff to get comfortable and allow them to blossom at their own pace.


Nicole DaviesNicole Davies is online content executive at ShortCourseFinder.com.au, a website providing a simple way to find and sign up for online short courses from Australia’s top providers. Main areas of her interest are content marketing and social media campaigns.