Home Others 5 Ways To Promote Your Company Website

5 Ways To Promote Your Company Website



The internet is a crowded place with many companies fighting to get themselves noticed. If you want to attract more visitors to your website, here are just a few different tactics that you can use to stand out amongst other companies.

Invest in SEO.

Your website is more likely to get noticed if it lists highly on search engines. It’s possible to get to the top by strategically using keywords on your website, but your best bet is to use an SEO company such as SMR digital. SEO stands for ‘search engine optimisation’ and requires various methods of helping to organically boost your rankings.

Link it up with social media.

You can also encourage people to visit your website by promoting it on social media. If you’ve got a Facebook and Twitter page for your company, make sure that there’s a link to your site in the bio of these pages. You should also post a link to your website whenever new content is added, whether is a new blog post or a new promotion that you’re doing on your website. Vice versa, don’t forget to promote your social media pages on your website – you can usually do this by downloading plug-ins that allow people to like and follow you from your site, or you could simply add a link for people to click on.

Pay for PPC ads.

You can also promote your website using PPC (Pay Per Click) ads. These ads, when clicked on, direct users straight to your website. Your ad is displayed until a certain amount of visitors click on it. There are two types of PPC ads. There are firstly picture ads as designed by companies such as Screaming Frog, which display randomly across the internet dependent on the search history of the individual user. There are then text ads, which appear on search engines and can be paid for using services such as Google AdWords. Both types of ad are beneficial, so it’s worth trying both out.  

Cross-promote with other companies.

Another way to promote your website is to pay other companies to promote you. This could be via their own website or on their social media accounts. The best way of encouraging other companies to promote your website is to promote theirs in exchange. This is known as cross-promotion and is best done with companies that rely on one another for business. For example, an electrician company might agree to cross-promotion with a plumber, whilst a hotel might want to team up with a hire car agency.

Market it offline.

You can also advertise your website offline. Your website should be printed on any branded items such as business cards, company vehicles, branded t-shirts and even the sign to your premises. People may see your web address and be urged to search you up on their phones.