Home Resources 5 Productivity Apps For Startup Entrepreneurs

5 Productivity Apps For Startup Entrepreneurs


By Ann Smarty, founder of MyBlogGuest.com

Anyone who runs their own business is putting a lot on their plate. Whether it is a single person start up or a company with other employees, there are endless tasks that need your attention. So many that the 24-hours that are in a day might just not seem to be enough to get it all done.

No matter what you do, you are going to run yourself ragged. Hopefully, the reward will make up for this fact. But that doesn’t mean you can’t start to take steps to get more organized and efficient.

With productivity a key factor for any successful entrepreneur, you have to do everything in your power to optimize it. Sometimes they can be a simple as making proper schedules, budgets and other helpful items that will give you a blueprint moving forward.

For everything else, there are apps made to simplify your life which, as any small business owner will tell you, is very appreciated. Here are five must-have apps for any entrepreneur:

1. Titanium Backup.

Backup and restore apps, files, protected programs, system settings, preferences and more with this easy to use backup app. It has a quick reboot feature,scheduled weekly or biweekly system runs, ability to remove orphan app data, interactive batch restore, and more. Which is just the free version. There are dozens of other features on their paid app, including batch verification, multiple backips per app, file encryption, multi-user support and more. Be sure to also check out their file sync program, created by the same developers.

2. Pocket.


Do you have a tendency to forget important details, like bank account numbers, passwords and pin numbers? Obviously, writing them down isn’t safe in the slightest. But this app allows you to safely store all the info in your phone. All information placed in Pocket is encrypted using industry standard technology. The master password is not stored locally, for extra protection. They have both a mobile and a desktop version available.

3. Evernote.

I will be surprised if you don’t already have and use Evernote (there’s also a mobile app for that too!). Probably the most popular application on the web, it allows you to sync up information by taking ‘clippings’, and then viewing it on any device. It is a very efficient way of connecting your smartphone, tablet and PC. It’s easy to use, easy to organize and easy to search. You can keep clippings of anything found on the web, or make notes of your own.

4. ShoeBox Receipt.

ShoeBox Receipt

I hate saving receipts. While I know it is necessary for calculating expenses, it is a difficult task to sort, organize and keep track of them all. Which is why this is probably my favorite app. You take a picture of your receipt, save it and the app sorts all the data for you. Then, when you are ready, you can automatically generate an expense report using that information. You can even export expenses into different bookkeeping programs, like Quickbooks and Excel.

5. Total Recall Recorder.

Total Recall Recorder

Never be forced to transcribe your notes again. This app records your voice using your phone’s high quality mic, then converts it to text for you. Giving you two different copies that you can use for your reference. You can then send your notes to either your Gmail or Evernote accounts to have no hand. Records in AMR, WAV, MP4 and 3GPP formats.

Additional productivity resources:

You have to keep organized if you want to run a successful business. This will lead to greater productivity, which will then keep you moving smoothly, and give you more time to get everything you need to done. These apps can help, so check them out!


Ann Smarty is the search and social marketer, community manager and blogger at Internet Marketing Ninjas. She is also founder of MyBlogGuest.com, the free community connecting bloggers to guest authors focusing on high-quality approach. Ann comes from Ukraine. She came to the United States 6 months ago to learn marketing and the American corporate world.




  1. Proofhub.com can be another better option for entrepreneurs, as its a multipurpose tool which offers project management, time tracking, collaboration, proofing, gantt chart and more. Best tool for boosting productivity.

  2. Hi Ann, great list! Let me suggest one more: doo where I happen to work 🙂 Connect your cloud-based storage locations and email, then find anything in seconds with an intuitive, tag-based search. http://tiny.cc/pnp5xw

  3. Excellent list of productivity Apps for startup entrepreneurs! Android is my favorite so ” Titanium Backup ” is great for me!

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