Home Others How Micro-Learning During Training Helps Optimize Workplace Safety

How Micro-Learning During Training Helps Optimize Workplace Safety


It is a no-brainer that the initial step to embracing workplace safety is to ensure that all employees are on the same page through proper training. But the main question is: Is your training process effective enough? With shrinking training budgets, not to mention lower attention spans, the need for an effective and easy training process has never been this high.

The conventional training procedure involves 15-20 minute training sessions that require having employees in a single room. Since such sessions can be boring at times, they lead to employees having lower retention rates, which further increases their chances of exposure to workplace-related accidents and injuries due to lack of adequate workplace safety information.

This has brought about the need for management to look beyond the conventional training setup to increase its effectiveness, and micro-learning could be the solution they are looking for.

Here are a few aspects that make micro-learning great for safety training:

What Exactly Is Micro-Learning?

Micro-learning is a training procedure that involves offering employees learning content in small measures. At its core, it allows employees to learn new ideas and safety concepts through short sessions of around ten minutes or less. By embracing micro-learning, employees can retain information much longer without the extra burden of eating into their working schedules.

This technique further utilizes the power of technology through mobile learning. You can send information to employees on their smartphones while they are on-the-go, ensuring immediate access, use and application of workplace safety insights. Considering that workplace accidents can impact operations, according to a plant and refinery explosion lawyer | the Doan Law Firm, incorporating micro-learning in your safety training is highly recommended.

It Can Enhance Follow-Up Training.

Contrary to common belief, training is not a one-time procedure. Refresher courses are always helpful in reducing the margins of error and increasing information retention rates, according to a BBC news article. If you trained your employees in long sessions, taking them through a refresher course of the same length might be counterintuitive and borderline boring.

Micro-learning helps deliver the refresher courses with minimal time and resources being used in information delivery. Additionally, the refresher courses can be available just-in-time when follow-up is needed. For training areas that have been updated, introducing micro-learning modules can help you keep your employees in the loop on new workplace safety changes.

It Can Be A Great Pre-Training Procedure.

For safety training to be most effective, employees ought to grasp why each part of training is necessary. On the contrary, most organizations train employees without first ensuring all of them comprehend why they need to take the safety training course. This breeds trainees who are not only passive but also eager for the sessions to be over.

Micro-learning can be significant in increasing the levels of employee engagement by sending them short enlightening videos pre-training. Once employees understand the concept behind the need for training, they can become more active in the sessions. In the long run, this means a safer environment as all employees embrace safety procedures in synchrony.

Micro-Learning Is Great When On the Move.

The conventional on-the-job training involved letting previously experienced workers take the new recruits through the necessary job processes while using peer to peer training techniques. This includes not only highlighting the necessary procedure but also pointing out the safety measures that need to be taken. However, this method can lead to gaping loopholes in workplace safety, as noted by a Michael Management blog.

On the other hand, micro-learning ensures a standardized safety procedure is presented to the trainees as they are introduced to new parts of their work. Other than receiving the necessary training information while on the job, employees can use their smartphones to refer to the previous training sessions to refresh their knowledge. This narrows the room for error in your workplace while increasing employee safety.


Training sessions are counterproductive as long as they aren’t effective. Adding the aspect of micro-learning in your workplace safety training sessions is a sure way to revolutionize them. Consider integrating it into your training program to make your workplace even safer.