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Marketing Advice For Small Businesses During COVID-19


Trying to market your business through the unforeseen circumstances that COVID-19 has presented can feel like an impossible task. However, if you want your business to stay afloat, marketing now is more important than ever. If you stop marketing your business, it could dry up, and this will leave you in a pretty sticky situation. 

Below, you’ll find marketing advice designed for small businesses during COVID-19:

Keep Everyone Updated.

Use emails and your social channels to keep everybody updated. Are you still conducting your business online somehow, perhaps with a new web-based product? How are you working towards more hygenic business practices? How are you keeping customers safe? What are your plans for the future? Keeping everybody in the loop will ensure you stay at the forefront of their minds. It’ll also help to strengthen the bonds with your audience. 

You could even keep your audience updated by sending out physical postcards letting them know that you can’t wait to see them again – perhaps with a little discount to sweeten the deal. As a matter of fact, postcards are a really underrated asset you could use in your offline marketing. Considering the personalization and customization potential, you could get really creative with these and make sure people actually save them by doing so. You can find templates online or work with a designer to customize them with a little personal touch.

Have A Sale.

If you already do business online, a sale might be just the ticket to ensure that people continue to order. Online shopping is one of the only things people can do right now. It’s helping to ease some of their anxieties over the pandemic and helping to pass the time. Could you knock 15-30% off your items, or even some of your items? You may not be able to send out packages right now depending on where you are and what kind of business you are, but letting them know that you will send them out as soon as you are able should suffice. The discount will encourage people not to wait to buy. 

Talk To Your Marketing Team.

If you have a marketing team, or even one person you outsource your marketing to, talk to them to find out what their plans are for your business during the pandemic. This should put your mind at ease so you know they are doing everything they can to keep things afloat. It’ll also help you to get on the same page as them so that there are no conflicts over what you should be doing. If you don’t have an SEO team at the moment, you can speak to somebody like Jason from Evolve SEO Agency to get advice. Taking care of your marketing all alone can be a huge burden. 

Offer A Delivery Service.

Maybe you’re unable to offer your products or services online. Maybe you’re primarily a local business. You could offer a delivery service in your area when people cannot make it to you. For example, many nail salons are putting together nail soak off kits and dropping them off to customers, helping them to keep their nails looking great and healthy until they can make another appointment. Ice cream men are now delivering vegetable boxes. Some supermarkets and smaller stores are putting together entire boxes of food designed to last a few weeks. Use your imagination!