Home Advice For The Young At Heart The 21-Day Job Search: 5 Tips To Ensure Success

The 21-Day Job Search: 5 Tips To Ensure Success


by Teddy Hunt

In 21 days, you can redecorate your home, form a new habit, lose enough weight to not feel guilty about indulging while you’re on vacation, or find a job. With all the horror stories about people going jobless for months or years at a time, the idea might seem absurd.

It is possible, however, if you diligently apply the following tips:

Make Your Job Search Your Job.

Use the hours you would normally spend at the office for your job search and approach it with a professional, goal-oriented attitude. Wake up early, shower, get dressed, organize yourself, and plunge right in. Don’t let things like Doctor Who reruns or a favorite hobby distract you.

Granted, treating your job search like a job isn’t possible if you already have a job and are just looking for a change. The principle still applies, however. Scheduling time in your routine for your job search is key in quickly finding the employment.

Know Where to Look.

Sure, anyone can find a job in 21 days if they’re willing to settle for any old gig. If you accept a job that doesn’t fit your skills and wants, though, chances are you’ll be back on the hunt sooner rather than later. Utilize all available resources to find openings that relate to your specialty. In addition to job boards and classified ads, use social networks like LinkedIn and Twitter. Also take a look at the websites of companies for which you would like to work.

If you’re still in school, you’re in a unique position to set yourself up for a fast job hunt after graduation. Use resources like the website of the Bureau of Labor Statistics to find out which jobs have the highest projected growth. For example, the increase in healthcare informatic jobs makes an education in that field a wise investment. Knowing job prospects can shape the path of your education and your career.

Polish Your Resume.

A well-constructed resume can serve as a vital tool for landing that job, but resist the urge to send the same resume to every potential employer. Use keywords in your resume that’ll grab attention and make you stand out as someone who knows the industry. A look at a company’s mission statement can help you pick out appealing phrases. Also tweak your cover letter for specific employers so they know that you’re as interested in their business as you are in finding a job. A guide at jobsearch.about.com gives more specifics on how to craft a killer resume.


The old saying, “it’s not what you know, but who you know,” is particularly true when you’re on the hunt for that dream job. Letting your friends and family know that you’re on the lookout is a start, but it often isn’t enough. Reach out to new people. Bear in mind, though, that you don’t want to come across as desperate or needy. Letting other people know what you have to offer can go a long way toward you landing a job.

Also, before you attend an event where you expect to get some job leads, prepare to network by brainstorming conversation starters. Try to find out who else will attend and what interests them.

Nail the Interview.

The job interview is the make-it-or-break-it step in the job hunting process; it’s vital to make a good impression. The old go-to advice applies: look good, wear a smile, and project confidence. What other things should you know to have a successful interview?

  • Don’t pretend you’re without weaknesses. Be honest.
  • Try to find out a few things about the interviewer ahead of time.
  • Use vocabulary that reflects your determination to do well and your enthusiasm for your line of work.
  • Anticipate all the usual questions, but also mentally prepare yourself for questions that come from the furthest part of left field.

Some people find themselves on a job hunt that stretches on for what feels like forever. Oftentimes it isn’t their fault, but other times a change in job search tactics might make all the difference. By using the foregoing tips, you can make your search a short one.


Teddy Hunt writes about technology and business. His passion to assist nonprofits has led him to work for Goodwill and a Feeding America Food Bank as a social media strategist and web content manager. Teddy is a regular contributor to socialbrite.org where he offers business and marketing strategies for the nonprofit sector.