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Are You Making These 5 SEO Mistakes?


There are a lot of misconceptions about SEO. Some people think that if they just build a website, the traffic will come flooding in. Others believe that all they need to do is add the right keywords and they’ll be at the top of Google in no time. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. There are several things you can do to sabotage your SEO efforts – without even realizing it.

In this post, we’ll take a look at some of the most common SEO mistakes and how to avoid them. By following these tips, you can make sure your website is seen by as many people as possible – and that you’re getting the most out of your SEO investment. So, what are you waiting for? Start reading!

1. Old and Outdated Content.

In case you’re not aware, one of the most important things that you can do to drive traffic to your website is to have relevant content, and it’s one of the many things that a digital marketing company, such as Cozab, would focus on. Why? The idea is quite simple. If your content is relevant, people will be searching for it and therefore your site’s authority will increase as well as the traffic.

A common mistake that many businesses make is having outdated or old, irrelevant content on their website. Two things will happen as a result of this; Your bounce rate will increase since people will realize that the content is outdated and no longer applicable, and search engines such as Google will begin to filter your website out of search results upon valuating that your content is irrelevant.

2. Having a Slow Site.

Unless you are the only site on the given search engine that can provide specific information, the one thing that you’ll need to focus on is site speed. A common mistake that many websites make is filling their website with content, high-quality pictures, big fonts, but not keeping site speed in mind.

Why is site speed important? Because when a visitor is unable to load your page within a given time, they will leave. At the moment, studies show that if a site doesn’t load within 3 seconds, people will exit. Another thing to focus on is the time it takes for the site to be interactive.

3. Not Researching Keywords.

Keywords are by far one of the most important things that you can be used to increase your site traffic. However, for many people, keywords can also be a minefield. For example, instead of using very specific keywords to target an audience, you could be using generic or vague keywords that attract visitors that don’t have any particular interest in the content of your site.

Instead, what you should be doing is trying your best to optimize your site by using the best keywords to match not only the content but what your site is offering. To do this, you’ll need to perform some keyword research to find out which keywords are being searched for the most, so that you can choose the right ones to use.

4. Wrong Content and Audience Understanding.

Another big mistake that you should avoid making is using the wrong content on your site and not understanding your audience very well. It’s easier than you think to misjudge who your audience is. By doing this, most of your SEO strategies won’t work since they won’t be targeting your actual audience.

Essentially what this means is that you should have a good understanding of your audience to create content that is appealing as well as relevant. More than this, knowing who your audience is will also allow you to use the correct keywords.

5. Not Using Analytics.

Finally, the last mistake that many businesses make, is not using analytics to find out whether or not their SEO marketing strategy is working. There are many metrics that you can use to gauge how successful an SEO marketing strategy is.

However, what’s more, important than this is understanding which metrics matter and using all of them together to make a comparison. For example, if you only look at the traffic that your site is receiving, you might not find out that you have a high bounce rate, and that’s the reason why your site isn’t ranking higher.