Home Resources Best Card Machines For Small Businesses

Best Card Machines For Small Businesses


You may be thinking to yourself that because your business is only a small, starting one, you do not need a credit card machine. But no, this is false. Whether you are operating a small or big business, it is always to your advantage if you will have a credit card machine readily available. More and more buyers are drawn towards using credit cards, also primarily due to the convenience that it brings, where you no longer have to carry with you so many chunks of money.

Here are some of the top card machines for small business enterprises that you can choose from:

1. iZettle Card Reader.

iZettle is very attractive to small businesses mainly for two reasons:

  • Its startup, processing, and maintenance costs are very low
  • It can be connected to your smartphone or your tablet

Small businesses do not really need big, high-powered credit card machines, as your transactions will most likely be limited to smaller amounts as well. Hence, the flexibility of connecting to your smartphone or a tablet is a very enticing model for small business owners. The iZettle boasts of the following features as well:

  • There is no monthly fee
  • The battery life can last for up to eight hours
  • The machine is compliant with more modern credit cards, such as those with the EMV chips on them

2. PayPal Here.

PayPal is already widely used as a wire transfer option for many businesses. If your business is using PayPal for your transactions, then this card terminal is the perfect option for you. The great thing about PayPal Here is that each of your transactions can automatically be sent to your accounting software, within which your PayPal account is connected to, so the process of accounting your daily and weekly gross sales become easier and a less arduous process. Plus, you are creating little to no room for error.

3. Ingenico iCT220.

The Ingenico brand series is already a tried and tested brand when it comes to countertop credit card terminals. They are very durable; hence, they can last your business for many years. This countertop terminal is suited for your small business if you accept payments on a fixed place as opposed to roaming around from one place to another to make a payment. The Ingenico has the following features:

  • Has jumbo keypads and clear screen
  • Has a built-in speedy receipt printer
  • Can accept smartphone payments
  • Is EMV-chip compliant

4. SumUp Air.

SumUp is a lesser-known brand of card reading machines; however, it doesn’t mean that this brand is inferior in quality. The SumUp is just as competitive as all the other card machines that are suitable for small businesses. SumUp works best if you are a kind of business that is only transacting a minimal number of transactions daily because the use of this terminal only charges you with one single flat fee.

If you are also still in the process of starting your business, and you would like to save a little on startup costs, a SumUp handset is relatively cheaper compared to its other more famous counterparts.

5. Ingenico iWL.

If you are looking for a portable card reader, then the Ingenico iWL series is the best option for your business. This model is waterproof and shock resistant; hence it is most compatible with outdoor-type companies, such as small water parks or camping sites. Some of the features that the Ingenico iWL has are the following:

  • You can easily access this terminal by connecting with a 3G data connection or a Wi-Fi connection
  • You can reach a maximum of 650 transactions on a single charge only by the company
  • You can also make and accept payments through a smartphone

6. Square Reader.

The Square Reader card machine regularly makes it to the list of the best card machines for small businesses mainly due to its portability. It is one of the smallest and the most lightweight card machines. Square Readers can accept payments through any of the following means, apart from the traditional swipe option:

  • Tap or touch and pay, where the card only needs to be tapped to the machine to make a payment
  • Pin or code payment, where the owner of the card has to enter the right pin
  • Mobile wallet payment, where payment can be made through any cash, coupon or card details saved in the mobile wallet


Whether you like it or not, in some cases, potential customers factor in the availability of a credit card machine in business when they decide if they should dine in, or purchase anything from that store. Especially if your small business is in the central business district, or a highly populated and well-visited tourist area, it is vital that you also make yourself available to the majority of the potential market. This list of credit card machines can help you make a more informed choice of buying a card reader today.