Why A Generic Logo Design Will Hurt Your Business



A huge part of what we do in customer service here at crowdspring is working to make sure creatives produce original work, respecting others’ work, and that buyers walk away happy with a design all their own.

We often get asked why we are such sticklers about using generic concepts and why we are against it, so here’s the rundown for clients and creatives.


Some clients come to the site knowing exactly what they want, and others are just trying to figure it out.

We realize that newcomers to logo design may be open to any design. They see the overused stuff and love it! It’s popular for a reason.

But we here at crowdspring see projects day after day, and trust us – we know when something has been done and done and done. We don’t want your logo to be confused with someone else’s logo down the street. It would be best if you had a brand identity to call your own.

We also know that some business owners worry that the cost of company logos can be prohibitively high, and that’s why they like some generic-looking logos. They assume those logos are less expensive, and they won’t have to pay thousands of dollars for a new brand identity.

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Many design companies and agencies indeed charge thousands to tens of thousands of dollars for their services. But this isn’t universally true (crowdspring’s custom logo design projects start at just $299, including all fees).

Before deciding on a logo, do some research.

Google popular logos in your field and see how taking a different approach can help you stand out from your competitors.

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We realize it can be frustrating to hear us preach from atop our overused design soapbox, but we promise it is just us looking out for you and your brand.

It’s the reason we caution people to avoid online logo stores. It’s so important that you have an amazing experience on the site and that you end up with a great product as unique as you are. You and your business are sure to benefit.


We appreciate the hard work of the creatives on the site, and we believe in your abilities!

Apart from wanting clients to walk away with a unique product, we also want you to challenge yourself.

Don’t detract from your talent by utilizing overused concepts. It deducts from your design integrity and can put your account at risk.


We know you have it in you to produce something awesome. The greater your ability to produce something previously unseen, the more likely you will win more projects and get more repeat clients.

Good design is good business.

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The easiest way to get affordable, high-quality custom logos, print design, web design and naming for your business.

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