Austin startups

Austin, Texas, pulsates with a unique blend of musical rhythms and innovative entrepreneurship. Renowned as the “Live Music Capital of the World,” its streets echo with diverse melodies ranging from indie rock to country. Simultaneously, Austin’s dynamic startup scene is booming, emerging as a hotbed for tech innovation and creative business ventures. Here are a few of the startups in the Austin scene. To hear the voice of the Austin startup community, read the Austin Startups Blog.

Intelligent Insights for Product Leaders: Strategize with Confidence
Personal smart devices are replacing all large hardware costs for local businesses, enabling more efficient and innovative operations.
ai. sales, bi, salestech, smb, revenue, skills
We are unlocking the $3.29 Trillion trapped in life insurance policies.
Autonomous, scalable platform for restaurants to market and sell quality hot meals at many thousands of underserved locations.
Space Cowboy rounds up space debris!
Privacy, Security, and Ownership are Human Rights
Building Real Value in the Virtual World
Hire Fortune 500 employees for your projects
Restoring nutrient security from soil to our cells.
eve drones arrive within 3 minutes of a 911 call to help emergency responders save resources and save lives.
Workout tracker & social community
Third Gen Foundational Intelligence
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