This article was published on June 27, 2013

Live now: ReTargeter’s founder answers questions via video. Get involved!

Live now: ReTargeter’s founder answers questions via video. Get involved!

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Arjun Dev Arora is the founder and CEO of ReTargeter. Prior to ReTargeter, Arjun was the Head of Business Development at Yahoo! Real Estate, and an investment banker specializing in the technology sector at Jefferies Broadview. Arjun also serves as a member of the Young Entrepreneur Council, an LP at 500Startups, and is an angel investor and advisor to multiple Silicon Valley startups.

#StartupLab is a free virtual mentorship program created by The Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of hundreds of America’s most successful young entrepreneurs. #StartupLab takes YEC’s mission to help more people start successful businesses to the next level by offering millions of entrepreneurs direct access to YEC members through interactive video chats, email lessons and a library of how-to articles, videos and eBooks.

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Photo courtesy of Arjun Dev Arora.

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