This article was published on June 14, 2017

This co-working space is basically an adult daycare that takes away your phone for $40

This co-working space is basically an adult daycare that takes away your phone for $40

Move over WeWork, CaveDay is the new co-working space on the block.

CaveDay is a pop-up collective that only operates on Sunday. The Manhattan space is available to entrepreneurs, startups, freelancers or anyone with a short attention span. However, this isn’t just any co-working space 一 they take your phone away once you step in.

According to the company website:

“It’s a day of heads-down, facilitated, distraction-free productivity so you can treat yourself to prioritize YOU and getting your personal work done. We’ll help you learn how to focus better, ship faster, and accomplish more than you thought you could.”

Once you’re phoneless, you can start crushing important work. As long as you can stay focused and resist the temptation of networking, surfing YouTube on your laptop, stuffing your face with quinoa chips and messaging your BFF on Facebook.

CaveDay tickets are actually selling out like crazy, so if you want to be a part of the productivity movement, you had better act now. Shelling out cash to another business has never been more entrepreneurial.

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