Remove Coder Remove NDA Remove Revenue
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How To Bootstrap Your Startup

Vendor long-list - build a “long-list&# of possible software vendors and NDA them all, but don‚Äôt rely on it (more on this later). Posted by: Matt | September 10, 2007 9:43 AM Hmm, our current startup (now doing more than 1M/year) was bootstrapped for its first year on just 1500$ (and with that we grew revenue to 25K/month).

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Crazy! 189 Answers To The Top Startup Questions On Your Mind

I would focus on one product and set a goal to generate $1M in yearly revenue from it. Outsourcing is something a big company, with a known customer / problem (that has revenue & traction) does to save cost. Should I require and NDA? I have a proposal written up including full cost and revenue projections.

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Top 10 Common Mistakes By First-Time Online Entrepreneurs


Oh and by the way, typically angel investors don’t sign NDA (non-disclosure agreement), so they are most probably losing out on the cash too. Someone that sees in a different light – you are optimistic and he’s pessimistic, you’re strong and she’s soft, extrovert and introvert, salesman and coder.