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Finding a Technical Partner for Your Startup

How can I go about looking for a (very) good programmer willing to do this as sweat equity? It’s common for a college student to do a sweat equity partnership with another college student. Might be cost effective if you outsource your project to India Inc. @$10-15/hour. So you see my dilemma. 10-15/hour.

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25 Best Startup Failure Post-Mortems of All Time

Don’t exacerbate the issue by needing to figure out how to deal with a large equity deadweight on your hands (investors won’t like that the #2 stakeholder is absent, even estranged, from your company). So, the best way of dealing with this issue is to take a long, long vesting period for all major sweat equity founders.

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How to hire a programmer to make your ideas happen

Im a UX and front end designer bootstrapping my own products with pure sweat equity at night but always looking for someone else to partner with(engineer/programmer)to bring these ideas life. In it theres meeting with a guru in India who defines what a guru really does. Insightful. Thanks much. Dear Derek, youre in the running!